BioClandestine: "Trump straight up admitted the beef is fake. . . This not only proves the DeSantis fight was fake, it adds further validity to prior 'beefs' that we thought to be theater. Like Sessions, Rosenstein, even Mueller, etc. . . Trump is engaged in high-level game theory."

Is there a growing list of names that got caught in this Sting? If these Judas characters don't feel some heat. They might respawn with greater confidence
I’m keeping tabs on those who are turning on President Trump. Here is the list so far:
Ben Shapiro Candace Owens Tim Pool Mike Cernovich Will Cain Jesse Kelly Guy Benson Will Chamberlain Winsome Sears Steve Crowder Officer Tatum Matt Couch Steve Gruber Will Witt Paul Joseph Watson Matt Walsh
Unfortunately this list will continue to grow. But we were told to be wary of FAKE MAGA.
Officer Tatum really the only one I'm bummed a out, everyone else we've known for years.
Yes i was massively pissed over him.
Thanks, I've been linked to that Telegram channel for a few years. It consistently has quality posts.
Many of these turn coats are showing their loyalty to the hidden money that helps fuel their channels.
Half of your list aren't even politicians = who cares what they think?
However.......at least some of them may be playing a part too.
Be careful with any names you associate as having been caught by the sting.
Some of these folks, like Candace Owens, may have been part of the sting.
A great movie does not have one actor, is has several actors (plural).
"The plot of all war movies is the same: the viewer survives."
Jay Hayes / 'War Movies'
What makes a movie GOOD**?**
GREAT actors**?**
Read the first sentence as a question.
It has a question mark at the end.
Read the second sentence as a question.
It has a question mark at the end.
Read them as questions, with emphasis on GOOD and GREAT in each.
Define GOOD?
Define GREAT?
The question is:
Do you have to have GREAT actors to have a GOOD movie?
"I'm not using any actresses or actors," he said. "Only real people."
American Hero / Larry Beinhart / 1993 / page 197
Real people make a movie GOOD, not GREAT actors.
Real people might just also make a movie real.
Have you ever been touched or moved to action by a movie like
you have been touched or moved over, say, the last two years?
Real people.
I'll put an asterisk next to her name. She did give me strength over the years with her fighting and sound logic spirit.
I would list the names and call these people out. We know who the actors and none are on this list so far.
For me, it is Candace Owens. I liked her, but the mask has now dropped and she's in the same category as Paul Ryan for me. The swamp runs deep; the hypocrisy is real, and the traitors are revealing themselves.
Has she come out against Trump as well??? Fuck me Shes a good actor , had me fooled. The cunt
From what I saw she didn’t attack Trump just asked who would have the best shot at 24.
Unless she said more later.
Yes apparently, she has come out with a dream team for 24 and Trump is not on it. Maybe something and nothing.
Some listed here.