Oh dear, those nasty, far-right, Trump-supporting, MAGA protesters have set fire to the building and all the ballots have been destroyed. Therefore all the Democrats have won!
It is a bit like a re-run of Jan 6th when those nasty, far-right, Trump-supporting, MAGA protesters entered the building and scared everyone into saying that the Democrat won.
Looks like a false flag coming.
This has Fedbois all over it. Pass.
Cheat faster!!!!
It's a trap.
Oh dear, those nasty, far-right, Trump-supporting, MAGA protesters have set fire to the building and all the ballots have been destroyed. Therefore all the Democrats have won!
It is a bit like a re-run of Jan 6th when those nasty, far-right, Trump-supporting, MAGA protesters entered the building and scared everyone into saying that the Democrat won.
Let the protesters count the votes, maybe I'll go faster? But I am glad they showed up!