posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +61 / -0

We all know the 2020 election was rigged.

We all have been gas-lit every day for the last 2 years.

We have been told that we are a "Threat To Democracy"

We all have been likened to domestic terrorists,

We all have been robbed of our votes, our elections, and our representation,

We all have been robbed by their usury, their taxes, their inflation, their deflation,

We do not have Free and Fair elections in the USA.

We haven't had Free and Fair elections in the USA, in a very long time.

It would be safe to say, that the USA has never had Free and Fair elections,

It is not our responsibly, as citizens, as voters, and taxpayers, to prove that these elections are rigged,

its the responsibly of the government, if they wish to retain the continued consent of the governed, to prove their elections are Free and Fair,

The government has been provided with a mountain of evidence of election rigging,

and yet, the government has denied every bit of evidence, and then turns around and tells us there is no evidence.

And having NPR come out and call our election rigging allegations "THE BIG LIE" every day, hardly qualifies as proof of Free and Fair elections.

WHERE is the UN?

Remember when the UN used to stick their nose in every election in the world, and they would talk about EXIT POLLS?

Now EXIT POLLS aren't evidence anymore?

if the UN can't call out rigged elections in USA,

then what good is the UN?

Why is the US taxpayer giving money to the UN, in exchange for their betrayal by their silence on US election rigging?

The UN whines about an election in some "developing" banana republic?

Guess what?

the USA created the "banana republic",

on behalf of Chiquita Bananas.

'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' ~ John Perkins

I say its high time that we, the people, amend the US constitution, to abolish the 16th amendment, or better yet, to edit the 16th amendment, to say the exact opposite of what it says now. Have the 16th amendment edited, to remove the US governments ability to tax US citizens income.

the US income tax is bullshit.

its always been bullshit.

it was introduced as a way to "tax the rich"

guess what?

you must be considered "rich" now, because you are paying that tax.

And now we see that the Ukraine money laundering scheme laundered money into Democrat campaigns ?