two weeks ago on Monday my sweet sister Petra died.
While my mother, my niece and Hellmut got better (after the "Rona" influenza), I got the message that Petra was also in hospital with lung infection.
As soon as I could I drove the 300 km to her and she also already was out of the hospital again after one week.
But she was not well enough with her lungs, after the four days I visited her, she was again in hospital. I was called that it would not look good. I drove to her, but it was already too late.
She was gone, she was gone totally peacefully - so peacefully I know for sure that she is with God now. I sat there at the bed, looking in her peaceful face and only then I really knew how much I loved her.
I could not write about it, because the sadness would have overwhelmed me. And I have to function, preparing the funeral, being their for my mother, my niece, a lot bureaucracy, making decisions, phone calls, etc.
So I lurked around here, with you fren family, commented and posted to stay "normal" and distracted, not to fall into the abyss of absolute sadness.
Then my mother once again came into hospital now at the weekend. She is o.k., but I don't know wether this will really stay this way and how long. I hope so very much.
But now my strength is leaving, too much and many obstacles make it really complicated for me to stay strong and clear. The sadness has got me, but I still have to function the next two weeks until the funeral is over. Until then there is no time or room for this sadness.
Yes, she was vaccinated. The hospital said it was probably rapid lung cancer. I had Artemisia Annua with me to give to her, but I came too late.
There are studies that it helps very quickly for cancer, especially lung cancer.
Perhaps you want to consider this, if you know someone developping cancer.
Once again thank you for all the prayers you sent for Petra, for my family and me which helped in tough and dark times. I often felt it immediately before reading your answers to my post with the prayers.
God bless and protect you all as well as your families.
Thank you, fren. Especially for the hug.
Unfortunately my mother can not comfort me, Petra was her first, her oldest daughter. And already in 2017 when my father died she took it very badly.
I am her youngest daughter and have to be the head of the family, but right now in this hour I feel very weak.
What a rough few years for your family. Even though you're the one taking care of things now, I hope you'll allow yourself time to feel weak & sad. Having those moments of real-ness might help you be stronger for yourself & others as the days progress.
Thank you for your wise words, dear fren. God bless you.
I am sincerely hoping this website can help you to feel a bit stronger. It’s a website about near death experiences, and I truly believe this will give you an immense amount of hope and peace. Click on the site index, click on any of the years, click on the peoples names to get the full story.
I believe your sister is very safe and very much alive and very much filled with love and joy right now - she is home. https://www.nderf.org/
Dear Sally, thank you for this information. I will look it up in the next days.
And yes, years ago when a very dear and loved friend died, he still was around me for some time. So I know since then, that our loved ones are safe, still care for us and our souls are eternal and everlasting.
All Glory to God and may God bless you.