Why would Trump need to run for President if he is still President?
If the “white hats” are in control, what are they in control of? Military? dont think so. Administrative state? Nope. Legislative branch? Have you seen the shit they are passing?
If the Military is the “only way”, its been two years and two stolen elections. Where are they? Have they lost their way?
If we are "watching a movie” or supposed to “enjoy the show”, when the fuck does it end? 2024?
Will I support Trump in 2024? Yes. Will I allow peeps to continue to their attempt to pump sunshine up my ass? Nope. Game over on that shit. I’m a realist. The cheaters won government control and they are not going to investigate themselves. Courts are No help. We the people need to take our country back. And we need to do it sooner than 2024. We need to start now.
Why would Trump need to leave the White House if he was still president? Optics. There’s your answer.
Then if he is still president, he cant be elected again and thus no need to run.
I don’t think the claim of devolution is that Trump is still President. It’s more like Trump devolved the government into the hands of the military. This explains the fencing that went up around D.C. This explains the agent tugging on Pelosi’s arm on Inauguration Day. “Don’t say anything!” “I won’t!” And the gun salute for Biden. And the fake White House set. But at this point Trump is thought to be an adviser to the military, not the President.
Isn't he considered a "president in exiles" under Devolution?
No I think the idea is more that he handed his authority over, but with the caveat that military also knows he won the election, so how he is treated legally on paper and how he is treated in person could be different too.