posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +9 / -1

As of 11:38 EST some are still being uploaded

Other than that, I think tonight is a horrible timeline. The only way I can turn it into a positive is that whatever tonight was, it is an alibi to establish he is clueless in what's going on under the hood.

Everything he said was from the point of view of someone not in the know. He really didn't give them anything to work with that could pin him down as a part of special operations underway. Why would he have to do this? I don't know.

We barely got the House. So, yay?

Senate looks like a shitshow, and we lost way too many governorships. Those are the ones that matter if we're to avoid another national state of emergency and lockdowns...

If there's even an inkling of a climate lockdown or another pLandemic, I'd count this entire Election Cycle as a loss. Kicking out Nancy but losing everything else seems like the bare minimum of what we could have won.

We need to do something about the Fraud. I've not seen any reasonable solutions from Trump or anyone else for that matter...