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I went looking for a book someone recommended to me on Z-Library today, and it's gone. Apparently, Joepedo's DOJ and the Post Office seized the domain. That just sucks. Anyway, here's the story:
As an aside, has anyone read the 1957 book by Vance Packard, The Hidden Persuaders ? It's about the early days of television and how it was being used to manipulate people.
Edit: Apparently the people who ran Z-Library were Russian nationals living in Argentina. The US DOJ had Argentina arrest them but they haven't been extradited yet.
Yep it got blown up, from what I read on 4chan.
However, 4chan was generous to leave this link for us to torrent:
Thanks for the link, you're a star. 🐸
Thank you!
Absolutely right. UK even changed laws .could buy on hire purchase as most couldn't afford a TV and UK govt arranged to have second hand TVs from USA. Every home had to have one .that's how important they are to brainwash and program us
I bet the most of people who didn't get vaxxed didn't watch TV. It's true of me for one
Lovely Rik Mayall .they bumped him off I am sure if it. .did u see his last film?talked about the new world order back then..told us to throw TVs away .. hypnosis