I will list the ages of those 67 and younger for each day of the month.
Oct. 1 — 67, 67, 67
Oct. 2 — 59, 67, 53, 59, 26, 62, 67
Oct. 3 — 58, 58, 58, 60
Oct. 4 — 55, 52, 47, 53, 53, 52
Oct. 5 — 21, 67, 61, 20, 60, 26, 67, 29, 65, 38
Oct. 6 — 65, 67, 59, 48, 42
Oct. 7 — 58, 44, 51
Oct. 8 — 63, 64, 57
Oct. 9 — 59, 67, 18
Oct. 10 — 65, 65, 53, 53
Oct. 11 — 45, 25, 39
Oct. 12 — 65, 66, 31
Oct. 13 — 65
Oct. 14 — 59, 33
Oct. 15 — 64, 62, 37, 63, 40, 35, 64
Oct. 16 — 58, 63, 63
Oct. 17 — 29, 65, 53, 33
Oct. 18 — 61, 53
Oct. 19 — 50, 64, 60, 61, 48
Oct. 20 — 61, 61, 65, 61
Oct. 21 — 66, 45, 48, 30
Oct. 22 — 61, 64, 63, 45
Oct. 23 — 18
Oct. 24 —
Oct. 25 — 2, 52
Oct. 26 — 38, 52
Oct. 27 — 48, 52
Oct. 28 — 33, 0
Oct. 29 — 30
Oct. 30 — 55, 3, 32, 48
Oct. 31 — 51, 2, 64
Tell me this is normal.
Based off a preliminary statistical analysis, that's just over double what it should be. Extrapolate the numbers out for the year and you get over 6 million a year dying instead of 2.8 million a year.
Thus, the jab is killing off approx 3-3.5 million people per year in the US. Here is where the tricky part comes in because it is hard to get a definite number for how many in the US got the Jab. I've seen claims that 80% are single jabbed, 60% are "fully vaccinated", 33% are single boosted, and I can't find any numbers about the double or triple boosted, but they claim that those people do exist.
Extrapolating out those numbers, the Jab kills .3% of single dosed people per year, 1% of "fully vaxxed" a year, and 3% of single boosted. Without some more advanced numbers on double and triple boosted, all we can do is a weak statistical assumption of 10% and 30%, which would then put 90% for quad boosted. Now, this assumes that the numbers don't go forth exponentially, if they did, the single dose crowd would be lower and the "Fully vaxxed" and boosted crowds would be higher. They aren't releasing the real numbers, so it is hard to come to much of a conclusion aside from: a single dose of the vaccine isn't super dangerous, but the more you take, the worse of a time you'll have.
Disclaimer: The numbers are potentially far more complicated as the number of deaths due to car accident likely went down during the plandemic, the number of suicides likely went up, the number of people unable to be treated for numerous life-threatening diseases also went up.
That having been said, I'd wager that standard death rates likely went down due to the plandemic, which means jabbed death rates are likely even higher than my estimates above. Another issue to consider is that we also don't know the long-term affects of these vaccines.
I picked an area in Eastern Montana. Ran the numbers for deaths 0-65. Did years 2020, 2021, and 2022. Found the deaths were all around lower in 2020. 7 months of 2021 deaths were higher. 1 month deaths were equal to 2020. 4 months of 2021 were less than 2020. The 1st 3 months of 2022 the deaths were higher than 2020 and 2021. Then the deaths dropped off till October of 2022. Then went higher than 2020 and 2021.So 4 months 2022 are higher than the last 2 years. Still waiting for November and December to finish the stats. Can pretty much tell that Covid was not the problem. In fact when you think about it when they say where are all the working age people? That no one wants to work anymore. That no one can find enough workers any more. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out you can't have an increase in deaths among working age people and expect to have enough workers. If you extrapolate this to the whole entire country the answer is a lot more working age people are dead. But we are so compartmentalized in this country that unless it is on national news no one is going to know what is going on in other states. Tell you this is normal well I can't.
I appreciate your input. Thank you for posting it.
Compartmentalization covers a multitude of sins. It is the plan to keep us from seeing the big picture.
MSM gives one tunnel vision. We must break away from the social engineers.
For awhile I was checking through our obituaries and comparing them to one or two years ago and the difference was startling...the increase was so evident. I like to read through them and that was also pretty startling because there were so many from all ages but the greatest was in the older populations...it looked a lot like what you show. It has been awhile since I did that but I imagine the shift from older to middle age and under would have increased much like your chart shows. I saw a lot of suddenly type stuff.
Not sure about the stats but have been going to a lot of funerals for people who “died suddenly” within the last 2 months
You pulled it off but how long did your nose grow in the process?
Yes, I click on the title and look for my comment to get the context.
I bet November will be worse.
I have partial stats for September. ( only about the last two weeks)
Sept. 24th was a big day — 62, 47, 57, 50, 43, 34, 63, 45, 53, 34, 43
I also have partial stats for November.
Nov. 2nd a big day. — 22, 57, 50, 51, 64, 57, 63, 43, 52
That's a LOT of young people. I'd love to know how many were heart related.
This Summer I walked 4 miles along the Main road into town. June, July, August everyday there was at least one dead squirrel or chipmunk. It was only until September 10th when a music festival was in town, that no squirrels or chipmunks were run over.