40 More to Special Prosecutor Jack Smith than they are telling us........ investigates War Crimes. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by Emyrylde 2 years ago by Emyrylde +40 / -0 14 comments download share 14 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Where was the International Criminal Court conceived?
That is right.
Racine, Wisconsin.
He has the right background for what we want
Hague (crimes against humanity)
International Criminal Code (Nuremberg code)
Prosecuted financial fraud/ white collar crimes (i.e. FTX, Soros funding D candidates)
Prosecuted genocide, war crimes, etc (think the C19 narrative)
Was Chief of Public Integrity at DOJ (corruption & election crimes) - duh...
This is a background of a prosecutor WE would want.
What's with the Vulcan uniform? or is it Romulan?
"No capes!"🐸
Are they going to try and get Trump on war crimes?
Some on TS don't believe 'they' are out to get Trump. https://truthsocial.com/users/justhuman/statuses/109366460103128557
Hey, he's justhuman!
Lots more on this Truth Social post: https://truthsocial.com/users/danright/statuses/109366728618443478
What ever happened with Special Prosecutor Dinghy?
Specialist Chamber??????????? Huh??????