But ... but ... I thought they said the vaxx works - Vaxxed and “Boosted Within an Inch of (Her) Life” Whoopi Goldberg Returns to The View After “Rough” Second COVID Illness This Year
🧠 These people are stupid!
I'd agree with you BUT I have neighbors that love getting boosters for whatever reason they can.
I know lots of people who actually brag about their boosters.
At work it's the testers, constantly testing themselves every time they sneeze. It's a lame excuse to not work. I'm sick of it. These young people think this is a game.
it's a cult for scared people. Search for laughterinlight on tiktok. She has a strong followingbof morons who still believe they need 8 boosters. There are some really dumb people out there.
I have a few friends that get just about every vaxx they can because "they are old" 🙄 think they need to get them so if they get "whatever virus" then it won't be as bad as it would be if not vaxxed. I tell them they don't need them, but they go get them anyway. I'm sad about it, I don't want to see them sick or to die, they are really good people & friends. One lost her husband to cancer recently and the other one's husband has cancer.
I know an older couple that gets the flu shot yearly and gets deathly ill, yearly.
My wife his told them flat out... It's the flu vaccine making you sick. Crickets from them and they keep taking it.
Many people have family in the medical field and they do whatever family tells them to do. The end.