Yesterday USA Today published an oped essentially blaming Republicans and “hideous anti-LGBTQ rhetoric” for the Q nightclub shooting.....Today USA Today had to report that the shooter actually identifies as non-binary 🤣..
Anybody know any anti-LGBTQ Republicans that identify as non-binary? 😂
🧠 These people are stupid...

Someone help me out here. Wouldn't it be a bad idea for a non-binary person to go to a gay bar? I mean it's a bar where guys are looking for guys, and girls are looking for girls. Does anyone go to a gay bar looking for someone who doesn't know what the hell they are? Maybe THAT is why the person shot the place up. No one from either side wanted anything to do with him.
Non-binary isn’t a thing though so a person who thinks they are non-binary would be a good fit with such a crowd. All the alphabet people are variations on this same freak instinct that hates God and seeks to invert the natural world.
It’s also not that unexpected for a non-binary person to shoot up a gay club in the same way it’s not that unexpected for a straight person to shoot up a straight event, if any of this even happened. If the dude was unhinged and there was some gay lover’s quarrel inside the club, an unhinged person could storm out and then come back and shoot the place up. I think sometimes these “mass shootings” (if they aren’t all fake) could be a person targeting one or two people, but then once they’ve killed their target, instead of trying to get away, they start killing everyone else to go out in a “blaze of glory”. If that explains the motivation of these people, then it makes perfect sense a non-binary person would be attacking a gay club and not a straight one in the same way a high school shooter (if they aren’t all fake) will shoot up his own high school and not some random school the next county over that he never attended.
I completely agree that it wasn't unexpected.