Most of his posts specifically mentioning the post globalist world are usually very vague and generic promises about it being fantastic, amazing etc.
A couple posts though specifically mention Sci-Fi esc theories or ideas. 3585 for instance specifically mentions “Project Looking Glass”. There’s the public Looking Glass project which is in essence glorified C&C Aircraft with the ability to function as Airborne Command posts for U.S Forces.
The non-public one is a rabbit hole all its on. In short though the Looking Glass is a device that functions essentially as a window. Allowing someone to see events or a series of events in the past, present, or future. Along with the probability of each potential event coming to pass. Some allege that what it showed could be influenced by people using it. Some say it couldn’t.
There’s several potential stories from various “insiders” surrounding it’s creation. Including references of but not limited to. Aliens, Breakaway Human Civilizations, Secret Space Programs, Ancient Aliens, Hidden Tech, Hidden History, Things regarded as Myth being true, off world colonies, Nazis under Antarctica, Operation Highjump, Cylinder Seals, Eldritch creatures, the true story of the Garden of Eden. Ancient Empires, Inner Earth, Reptilians. Ancient now extinct Forerunner races, We aren’t alone on earth and share it with several other species. Tsarichina Hole, Ancient Empires such as Rome being far more extensive then previously believed. Other Dimensions, Multi-Dimensional entities. Multi-verse theory, Multiple timelines, interactions with future versions of humanity, and past versions of humanity who are all on different timelines etc.
And a whole lot of other stuff that I frankly can’t remember at the moment. Some stories try to tie it all together into one. Others only exclusively make a handful of references. As I said deep rabbit hole
He also says the posts are seeded with deliberate misinformation. So logically one can’t really guarantee anything about the future from the posts. Ergo the vague platitudes and generic “The best is yet to come.”
Thanks for taking the time to write that. I have had people respond to my concerns about the future as if they are in the know. If I were younger and more able bodied I wouldn't worry, but a few hours working in the yard and I'm tired. Kek.
I assume they will switch away from Central banking to backing with gold, silver, and other resources. I hope we seize the assets of the evil people and somehow use that to restart.
Since the bad actors seem to have controlled a significant amount of everything, and I love documentaries, I worry what / if they will pull some nasty tricks worse than covid and the jab.
When Q talks about watching a movie and being in complete control, I'm not so sure that we understand what that means completely.
I'm not sure about looking glass the rabbit hole version. My take is that ether Trump initiated or was recruited by a small group of deep thinkers. He or they ran cicada contests to recruit more people, They study as much detail about key players then have rapid response. Loke when Trump stopped Pelosi and her cohorts from going on military planes.
I think the Cabal recruited a lot of mental health and sociologists and they think tanked how to destroy us bit by bit, and circa GHW Bush openly talking about a NWO felt they had already won. They then put controlling almost everything on front burner until the Agenda 21 etc...
Lets see what happens, we have to Trust in God, and / or the plan.
I'm not so sure that we understand what that means completely.
Doubtful we’ll know with certainty unless it’s specifically laid out. People can guess and have suspicions. But until the proverbial men in the arena decide to lay it out. All we on the outside have is what we can draw from our research and personal biases which may for instance make us partial to believing in a certain outcome. Even the information we’ve got access to research is ultimately subject to editing by outside forces and being filtered and interpreted by the researchers.
We're heading towards the unknown. At least: to the for us unknown. We could live in a world full of wonders, if we only were given the knowlege about what our realm and our being really is. Prepare yourself to find out, that's what it's all about. It's gonna be a wild ride.
I like this explanation most because it leaves our future in our own hands to be determined based knowledge that has been withheld.
I think some things are predetermined for us, but much will be up to us to decide. Even the predetermined should be more about sitting us up to be able to decide our future on our own terms which is the opposite of much of we have today.
Most of his posts specifically mentioning the post globalist world are usually very vague and generic promises about it being fantastic, amazing etc.
A couple posts though specifically mention Sci-Fi esc theories or ideas. 3585 for instance specifically mentions “Project Looking Glass”. There’s the public Looking Glass project which is in essence glorified C&C Aircraft with the ability to function as Airborne Command posts for U.S Forces.
The non-public one is a rabbit hole all its on. In short though the Looking Glass is a device that functions essentially as a window. Allowing someone to see events or a series of events in the past, present, or future. Along with the probability of each potential event coming to pass. Some allege that what it showed could be influenced by people using it. Some say it couldn’t.
There’s several potential stories from various “insiders” surrounding it’s creation. Including references of but not limited to. Aliens, Breakaway Human Civilizations, Secret Space Programs, Ancient Aliens, Hidden Tech, Hidden History, Things regarded as Myth being true, off world colonies, Nazis under Antarctica, Operation Highjump, Cylinder Seals, Eldritch creatures, the true story of the Garden of Eden. Ancient Empires, Inner Earth, Reptilians. Ancient now extinct Forerunner races, We aren’t alone on earth and share it with several other species. Tsarichina Hole, Ancient Empires such as Rome being far more extensive then previously believed. Other Dimensions, Multi-Dimensional entities. Multi-verse theory, Multiple timelines, interactions with future versions of humanity, and past versions of humanity who are all on different timelines etc.
And a whole lot of other stuff that I frankly can’t remember at the moment. Some stories try to tie it all together into one. Others only exclusively make a handful of references. As I said deep rabbit hole
He also says the posts are seeded with deliberate misinformation. So logically one can’t really guarantee anything about the future from the posts. Ergo the vague platitudes and generic “The best is yet to come.”
Thanks for taking the time to write that. I have had people respond to my concerns about the future as if they are in the know. If I were younger and more able bodied I wouldn't worry, but a few hours working in the yard and I'm tired. Kek.
I assume they will switch away from Central banking to backing with gold, silver, and other resources. I hope we seize the assets of the evil people and somehow use that to restart.
Since the bad actors seem to have controlled a significant amount of everything, and I love documentaries, I worry what / if they will pull some nasty tricks worse than covid and the jab.
When Q talks about watching a movie and being in complete control, I'm not so sure that we understand what that means completely.
I'm not sure about looking glass the rabbit hole version. My take is that ether Trump initiated or was recruited by a small group of deep thinkers. He or they ran cicada contests to recruit more people, They study as much detail about key players then have rapid response. Loke when Trump stopped Pelosi and her cohorts from going on military planes.
I think the Cabal recruited a lot of mental health and sociologists and they think tanked how to destroy us bit by bit, and circa GHW Bush openly talking about a NWO felt they had already won. They then put controlling almost everything on front burner until the Agenda 21 etc...
Lets see what happens, we have to Trust in God, and / or the plan.
Doubtful we’ll know with certainty unless it’s specifically laid out. People can guess and have suspicions. But until the proverbial men in the arena decide to lay it out. All we on the outside have is what we can draw from our research and personal biases which may for instance make us partial to believing in a certain outcome. Even the information we’ve got access to research is ultimately subject to editing by outside forces and being filtered and interpreted by the researchers.
We're heading towards the unknown. At least: to the for us unknown. We could live in a world full of wonders, if we only were given the knowlege about what our realm and our being really is. Prepare yourself to find out, that's what it's all about. It's gonna be a wild ride.
I like this explanation most because it leaves our future in our own hands to be determined based knowledge that has been withheld.
I think some things are predetermined for us, but much will be up to us to decide. Even the predetermined should be more about sitting us up to be able to decide our future on our own terms which is the opposite of much of we have today.
oops not a video...
As I recall, Q posted a phrase similar to "the end won't be for everyone".
Yes, I looked for that, but couldn't find it. That can mean a lot of different things and I want to read the whole post.