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GOP Rep. McClintock: We Need Audit, EU to Step up, Assurance that Money Paid to Bidens Isn’t Influencing Before More Aid Sent to Ukraine

IAN HANCHETT24 Nov 202253 On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kennedy,” Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) said he will not continue to support aid to Ukraine until the European Union matches the aid already provided by the U.S., there’s a complete audit of the money sent by America, there are assurances that the country hasn’t had an illegitimate relationship with FTX, and “the millions of dollars that were paid to the Biden family by Ukraine over the years isn’t influencing our foreign policy.”

McClintock stated, “I supported the initial assistance to Ukraine because I felt if they could defeat Russia or at least inflict massive damage on Russia, that it would cause other dictators around the world to think twice before attacking their neighbors. But of course, we’ve done that now. Ukraine is primarily a European security issue. Now, you look at the numbers, the United States has given about $54 billion of assistance to Ukraine through October 3…the EU had only 16 billion. So, they’ve got about half of our GDP. But they’ve only given about a third of the assistance that we have. Now, given the fact that’s happening right on their doorstep, not on ours. It seems to me they need to at least match what we’ve already done. So, that would be my first condition. And then I also believe there needs to be a full audit of where our money has gone and we need assurance that Ukraine’s relationship with FTX is entirely legitimate, as Ukraine contends. And I think the American people would also like to be assured that the millions of dollars that were paid to the Biden family by Ukraine over the years isn’t influencing our foreign policy. So, I, for one, would not vote for another dime until those conditions are met.”

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