Had a family member spend multiple days in the hospital recently. Luckily wasn’t COVID, still wasn’t good.
One of the nurses was telling the family member—after learning the fam wasn’t vaccinated—that even the doctors at our local hospital are finally starting to question the vaccines and their side effects. At least, amongst themselves and the staff. They aren’t at the point they’re speaking publicly about it yet. They have, however, told the administration there’s no way in hell they’re taking more forced boosters after what they’re seeing.
Apparently the jump in strokes is finally at noticeable levels. And they’re seeing people with weird spinal cord injuries/infections that, apparently, can only be linked to the vaccines.
What BAFFLES me is that I know many who are vaxxed and they are fine. Some received it when they first came out. They are not sick at all.
Then other family members repeatedly getting covid and many with cancer.
They think they are fine.
Doesn’t mean there isn’t something brewing under the surface.
I also have a mix of experiences in my circle, though, just like you.
The toxicity of vaxx lots varied over time in a very controlled manner as measured by deaths in VAERS, most noticeably for Pfzer, but this was seen with other manufactures. There also appears to be coordination between the vendors, as if they were experimenting to determine the right mixture for whatever outcome they wanted.
Thank you.