All one has to do is read the Bible. Then point to catholic doctrine and see where the disconnect is. I couldn’t find most catholic rituals mentioned anywhere in the Bible, including baptizing babies. Idol worship (praying to statues) is forbidden by God, yet it’s normalized in Catholicism. God reserves his most severe judgment for those who lead his flock astray. Just read the Bible and pray to Jesus/ God. And stop tithing $$ to Catholic Church— it’s used to defend pedophiles and human traffickers. Mother Theresa was also a big human trafficker for the Vatican.
I dont know if I got duped but our church did baptisms, and we did the sacrament(bread and wine). Everything else was just singing songs of praise and glory to God. I have all the songs in my head still, all of them with great messages, "Glory to God in the highest, and peace to Gods people on Earth."
The sacrament could be construed as cannibalistic now that I know what I know, but I dont remember anything else that was crazy except confessional and them telling us not to have sex until adulthood at the schools over and over again. We volunteered with housing the homeless, and fed the city. Maybe one of the few churches that wanted to do well for everyone...they always showed their finances also. Their balance was 1 million but they always expanded when it got any higher.
So praying to Mary as a substitute for Christ is not really praying to the statue but just near it. All the attributes of Christ are assigned to mary. That's weird. Almost like they are trying to create another god.
So the statues are just adorations? I remember stations of the cross, praying to St Mary, etc. Where in the bible does it state to do those things? I couldn't find it...why after 40+ years of Catholicism I pray to God/Jesus directly and get my instruction from the bible....
Twice Jesus was accused of blasphemy in the Bible. Those occasions gave us clear written definitions of blasphemy. The antichrist will be blaspheme against God which will help reveal those devils. Christ is the Son of God and can forgive sins. Both of these were considered blasphemy if he were a mortal man. The pope Claims to be infallible as god on earth, heaven and the universe. All the priests claim to be able to forgive sins as if God himself forgave them. Since I know in my heart that a kid fucker cannot forgive sins and cannot be God on earth.
They may not all be pedophiles but they are blasphemous.
Yes the one pope is catholic. The question is, is Catholicism really Christianity!
All one has to do is read the Bible. Then point to catholic doctrine and see where the disconnect is. I couldn’t find most catholic rituals mentioned anywhere in the Bible, including baptizing babies. Idol worship (praying to statues) is forbidden by God, yet it’s normalized in Catholicism. God reserves his most severe judgment for those who lead his flock astray. Just read the Bible and pray to Jesus/ God. And stop tithing $$ to Catholic Church— it’s used to defend pedophiles and human traffickers. Mother Theresa was also a big human trafficker for the Vatican.
I dont know if I got duped but our church did baptisms, and we did the sacrament(bread and wine). Everything else was just singing songs of praise and glory to God. I have all the songs in my head still, all of them with great messages, "Glory to God in the highest, and peace to Gods people on Earth."
The sacrament could be construed as cannibalistic now that I know what I know, but I dont remember anything else that was crazy except confessional and them telling us not to have sex until adulthood at the schools over and over again. We volunteered with housing the homeless, and fed the city. Maybe one of the few churches that wanted to do well for everyone...they always showed their finances also. Their balance was 1 million but they always expanded when it got any higher.
Those were the days, naive and happy.
Catholics don't pray to statues.
Catholics have statues but the statues themselves are not prayed to.
Catholics are not pagans no matter how much you claim they are
So praying to Mary as a substitute for Christ is not really praying to the statue but just near it. All the attributes of Christ are assigned to mary. That's weird. Almost like they are trying to create another god.
So the statues are just adorations? I remember stations of the cross, praying to St Mary, etc. Where in the bible does it state to do those things? I couldn't find it...why after 40+ years of Catholicism I pray to God/Jesus directly and get my instruction from the bible....
Twice Jesus was accused of blasphemy in the Bible. Those occasions gave us clear written definitions of blasphemy. The antichrist will be blaspheme against God which will help reveal those devils. Christ is the Son of God and can forgive sins. Both of these were considered blasphemy if he were a mortal man. The pope Claims to be infallible as god on earth, heaven and the universe. All the priests claim to be able to forgive sins as if God himself forgave them. Since I know in my heart that a kid fucker cannot forgive sins and cannot be God on earth. They may not all be pedophiles but they are blasphemous.
Someone doesn't understand papal infallibility.
Christ Himself gave His disciples the authority to forgive sins.
The Pope is not a disciple. Peter was not the first pope. The church in Rome stole its authority from the original church in Jerusalem.