Let me break it down for you:
If you have EVER used one of the following or something similar......
Compuserve chat
AOL chat
Any old dial up service with a shell account
Used a BBS(yes dating myself ..|.. )
Yahoo chat rooms
ANY bulletin board for games, guns, hockey, self-help, food, wtf ever
Texting, phone chat, whatsapp. zoom, slack, skype
truth social, twitter, yammer, microsoft teams, IG(instagram), simply recipes
if you have been on anything even remotely close to the previously mentioned items, you HAVE BEEN on social media, whether you know it or not. Simply because the 5th column media doesn't refer to some of those as "social media", regardless my friend they still are.
This goes back to something I mentioned numerous times.....Unless you are a legit alien from outer space, or born in the serengiti plains, there is data tied to your name, even if you were born in Dashti-Angara, Tajikistan, chances are there is data/information or a database entry that has your name in it.
SO why even bother, to make your voice be heard. Your individual voice means something, you are not a number, you are not a statistic, you are not to be shelved, pigeonholed, not are you to be categorized. You are an individual, the collective is not your home. So regardless if you are on Social Media or not, let your voice and your thoughts ring out, they are important. Don't back down, do not get discouraged. Words only sting when they are true.....
now, I am feeling old!
Usenet was hierarchical. All recreational groups began with "rec.", such as "rec.humor". After awhile "rec.humor" got too full of attempted jokes so they made a subgroup of it to distinguish one subset from another, and they called the subset "rec.humor.funny".
If they had a group called "rec.humor.funny" was the other one called "rec.humor.woke"?
Nope, the joke was that the old one "rec.humor" remained, for any humor not classifiable as funny. Both continued alongside for years.