Dr. William Makis MD on GETTR : ? 25yo medical student Jarrett Nunez (Iowa, US) took two doses of Pfizer as a requirement to con...
? 25yo medical student Jarrett Nunez (Iowa, US) took two doses of Pfizer as a requirement to continue medical school in his 3rd year ? He died suddenly on Sep.18, 2021. The medical examiner took 9 months to give his mother the results of the autopsy, wh...
I think this could hold up as a possible example of White Hats controlling the narrative on the vaxxes being deadly.
Stop to think about what medical examiners have to gain by withholding or omitting a finding of a vaxx being responsible for a death at this stage in the show, or any time, really.(?)
They didn’t prescribe the vaccines that are being alleged to have killed so many and they aren’t directly beholden to big pharma. Some do work for government agencies and hospitals, but there’s a lot that work in independent morgues. So, it doesn’t make logical sense for a lot of the “”world’s” medical examiners to lie if they are unable to be held liable for the death itself, but on the other hand they would be liable for purposefully miss attributing a death.
**That doesn’t add up.
Since this a worldwide phenomenon I would expect to see a lot medical examiners speaking out. A lot of the walls that were put up to contain free speech have come down, so where are all the medical examiners who are witnessing this occurrence? If one group can get their vid out than 10,000 likeminded examiners should be able to also.
Something else to consider, we know why doctors were towing the line, we’ve seen the pro vaxx journal writings and all the pro vaxx BS and guidelines the federal government was issuing to said doctors. But, what direct literature have we seen that was given to the medical examiner community telling them how to determine deaths in a way that wouldn’t damage the pro vaxx narrative? I haven’t seen anything like that and that might be because it doesn’t exist. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Because they are smart enough to really understand what is going on, as in these are murdering psychos and they could put a target on them? I’d be apprehensive to be employed anywhere near these ghouls