I think people like Elon may( or may not) think they can improve the “ human condition “ with their implementations — however I don’t think any of these people ( including Elon) realize just how strong the God gene is in most of us— we are “perfect Gods creations “
Deal with it
Why does perfect mean we can't be made smarter? Maybe being perfect means being preciously as smart as we are.
It's clearly possible to be smarter than we are. God is smarter, and we're more than a few IQ points from that level of intelligence.
What about medical advancements to make us live longer? Adam and Eve lived to be 900. So clearly we've gotten worse in some ways. Making us live longer would just be bringing us back up to par. If we've gotten dumber than we wouldn't be surpassing perfection, we'd be getting closer towards it once again.
We are no longer perfect. Sin ruined that, and as such it's feasible that there are ways to improve us through technological or medical development, that would not be pushing us past perfection (This is doubly so when you consider all the ways the cabal has fucked us over with shitty food, shitty water, shitty air, shitty everything. It's all made to weaken and kill us).
Not in terms of crazy shit like uploading our brains, becoming giga-chad cyborg AI people, or anything like that, to be clear.
The hilarious thing about any argument is that God gave us free will and intelligence to evolve and improve ourselves. Everything in this universe is God's, ultimately.
God made us perfect. How can you improve on perfection? We may be able to change ourselves, but that doesn't mean we should or that it would be an improvement (assuming of course we were still perfect, which we aren't).
For the record, I didn't downvote you. Don't know why anyone would for what you commented.
“When humans became smarter than other primates they pushed primates into smaller habitats”. Uh, this Elon guy supposed to be a genius right? You have to be incredibly stupid or gullible to buy into evolution. Sorry. This guy not smart. It sure we should bother listening to any own who believe in the impossible. I don’t mean like impossible until you try hard enough, I’m talking impossible and it cannot happen. Like, no path to being possible impossible is what I’m saying. DNA transcription alone proves this. Much less math and probability.
Evolution has already been observed on smaller scale. Evolution from primates is a near impossibility to prove, but evolution on its own is something we do every generation.
The size and development of our brains alone are a massive evolution over even a few hundred years ago.
The only parts of evolution that can make any sense are survival of the fittest and natural selection. They are self evident truths. Neither of which are avenues to cross species mutation.
First: I have already stated that it's essentially impossible to prove because it happens over a period of time that we are incapable of observing
Second: The whole point of the theory of evolution is that we are sort of the same species
Third: I actually no longer have a personal opinion on this topic at hand between them. I am actually of the opinion that evolution and creation are not mutually exclusive like both sides want us to think. Even if God created us, it does not mean we cannot change or evolve -- after all, that's literally what these vaccinations have been aiming to do.
However, it is a fact that we have evolved over time to smaller degrees (and survival of the fittest is irrelevant to this beyond passing those genes on, which has become much easier over time anyway) and that alone shows evidence of evolution.
But because there is literally no way to prove one way or another, it is ultimately an almost entirely pointless argument to have.
This is a non sequitor. This statement has absolutely nothing to do with evolution. Whatever mechanism you want to believe allowed humans to become smarter than other primates, even if you want to believe the mechanism was divine creation, they still did exactly as Elon said.
Sorry but evolution makes sense in a number of different ways. Can you elaborate on your DNA transcription statement? That is the first I’ve ever heard that.
If you ask me a number of different ways is stretching. The only self evident truths of evolution are survival of the fittest and natural selection. The rest is a farce. The Point I was alluding to regarding DNA transcription is the multiple layers of exact evolution that would have to occur. The information or code in DNA is very much the same as digital information. I am not a smart dude but my career is in electronics so I at least understand digital information (DI). DI compares to DNA in the exacting nature of it. Think computer code, software. All it takes is one character to be off in a string of code a mile long in order the software to malfunction. DNA information is the same way except it’s expresses itself physically in 3 dimensions. Think of a 3 dimensional puzzle piece. An exact 3-D puzzle piece that has every single nook and cranny of its exact chemical make up expressed in 3-D. Again, one digit off and it will not be recognized this it won’t be able to connect. This would represent a protein. A very basic protein has such specific shape that it can only connect to another in a very specific way. Well, these proteins all, through their programming, strip apart and reconnect down the double helix structure of the DNA strand. The chance that one of these proteins happens by chance is astronomical. Completely impossible. Here’s the kicker. There multiple layers of different proteins needed for the whole transcription process to take place. All with varying levels of complexity. To date no protein, not even the simplest form has been known to have evolved or shown the capability of evolving.
The chance of ever happening is so incredibly astronomical, like to the triple digit power, that not only is it completely improbable but PHD probability mathematicians have calculated that there has not even been enough time in existence for evolution of the simplest protein to have taken place. Much less as we climb the complexity scale of proteins. Mind you the time in existence that they are referring to is the billions years estimate that evolutionists love to scream about. It’s all trash.
All evidence points towards intelligent design. Jump down that rabbit hole and you will find God. As COVID-19 has revealed many falsehoods it has also revealed many false scientific heretics and how an agenda warps the search for truth.
If you care to know more try reading Stephen C. Miller’s The Signature in the Cell, Stephen C. Miller’s Darwin’s Doubt, Eric Matax’s, Is Atheism Dead?, Josh McDowell (self proclaimed atheist turned Christian) Evidence that Demands a Verdict, etc etc. there are many. Unfortunately just like all left agendas they are built on the smothering of truth. Otherwise, how could they prosper.
I think people like Elon may( or may not) think they can improve the “ human condition “ with their implementations — however I don’t think any of these people ( including Elon) realize just how strong the God gene is in most of us— we are “perfect Gods creations “ Deal with it
Why does perfect mean we can't be made smarter? Maybe being perfect means being preciously as smart as we are.
It's clearly possible to be smarter than we are. God is smarter, and we're more than a few IQ points from that level of intelligence.
What about medical advancements to make us live longer? Adam and Eve lived to be 900. So clearly we've gotten worse in some ways. Making us live longer would just be bringing us back up to par. If we've gotten dumber than we wouldn't be surpassing perfection, we'd be getting closer towards it once again.
We are no longer perfect. Sin ruined that, and as such it's feasible that there are ways to improve us through technological or medical development, that would not be pushing us past perfection (This is doubly so when you consider all the ways the cabal has fucked us over with shitty food, shitty water, shitty air, shitty everything. It's all made to weaken and kill us).
Not in terms of crazy shit like uploading our brains, becoming giga-chad cyborg AI people, or anything like that, to be clear.
The hilarious thing about any argument is that God gave us free will and intelligence to evolve and improve ourselves. Everything in this universe is God's, ultimately.
God made us perfect. How can you improve on perfection? We may be able to change ourselves, but that doesn't mean we should or that it would be an improvement (assuming of course we were still perfect, which we aren't).
For the record, I didn't downvote you. Don't know why anyone would for what you commented.
“When humans became smarter than other primates they pushed primates into smaller habitats”. Uh, this Elon guy supposed to be a genius right? You have to be incredibly stupid or gullible to buy into evolution. Sorry. This guy not smart. It sure we should bother listening to any own who believe in the impossible. I don’t mean like impossible until you try hard enough, I’m talking impossible and it cannot happen. Like, no path to being possible impossible is what I’m saying. DNA transcription alone proves this. Much less math and probability.
How about GMO?
Evolution has already been observed on smaller scale. Evolution from primates is a near impossibility to prove, but evolution on its own is something we do every generation.
The size and development of our brains alone are a massive evolution over even a few hundred years ago.
The only parts of evolution that can make any sense are survival of the fittest and natural selection. They are self evident truths. Neither of which are avenues to cross species mutation.
First: I have already stated that it's essentially impossible to prove because it happens over a period of time that we are incapable of observing
Second: The whole point of the theory of evolution is that we are sort of the same species
Third: I actually no longer have a personal opinion on this topic at hand between them. I am actually of the opinion that evolution and creation are not mutually exclusive like both sides want us to think. Even if God created us, it does not mean we cannot change or evolve -- after all, that's literally what these vaccinations have been aiming to do.
However, it is a fact that we have evolved over time to smaller degrees (and survival of the fittest is irrelevant to this beyond passing those genes on, which has become much easier over time anyway) and that alone shows evidence of evolution.
But because there is literally no way to prove one way or another, it is ultimately an almost entirely pointless argument to have.
This is a non sequitor. This statement has absolutely nothing to do with evolution. Whatever mechanism you want to believe allowed humans to become smarter than other primates, even if you want to believe the mechanism was divine creation, they still did exactly as Elon said.
Sorry but evolution makes sense in a number of different ways. Can you elaborate on your DNA transcription statement? That is the first I’ve ever heard that.
If you ask me a number of different ways is stretching. The only self evident truths of evolution are survival of the fittest and natural selection. The rest is a farce. The Point I was alluding to regarding DNA transcription is the multiple layers of exact evolution that would have to occur. The information or code in DNA is very much the same as digital information. I am not a smart dude but my career is in electronics so I at least understand digital information (DI). DI compares to DNA in the exacting nature of it. Think computer code, software. All it takes is one character to be off in a string of code a mile long in order the software to malfunction. DNA information is the same way except it’s expresses itself physically in 3 dimensions. Think of a 3 dimensional puzzle piece. An exact 3-D puzzle piece that has every single nook and cranny of its exact chemical make up expressed in 3-D. Again, one digit off and it will not be recognized this it won’t be able to connect. This would represent a protein. A very basic protein has such specific shape that it can only connect to another in a very specific way. Well, these proteins all, through their programming, strip apart and reconnect down the double helix structure of the DNA strand. The chance that one of these proteins happens by chance is astronomical. Completely impossible. Here’s the kicker. There multiple layers of different proteins needed for the whole transcription process to take place. All with varying levels of complexity. To date no protein, not even the simplest form has been known to have evolved or shown the capability of evolving.
The chance of ever happening is so incredibly astronomical, like to the triple digit power, that not only is it completely improbable but PHD probability mathematicians have calculated that there has not even been enough time in existence for evolution of the simplest protein to have taken place. Much less as we climb the complexity scale of proteins. Mind you the time in existence that they are referring to is the billions years estimate that evolutionists love to scream about. It’s all trash.
All evidence points towards intelligent design. Jump down that rabbit hole and you will find God. As COVID-19 has revealed many falsehoods it has also revealed many false scientific heretics and how an agenda warps the search for truth.
If you care to know more try reading Stephen C. Miller’s The Signature in the Cell, Stephen C. Miller’s Darwin’s Doubt, Eric Matax’s, Is Atheism Dead?, Josh McDowell (self proclaimed atheist turned Christian) Evidence that Demands a Verdict, etc etc. there are many. Unfortunately just like all left agendas they are built on the smothering of truth. Otherwise, how could they prosper.