We've pretty much beat the whole "ascension" thing to death but I just realized something and it's so simple and obvious.
🐸 Devocension? 🐸
Devolution = the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level
Ascension = the act of rising to an important position or a higher level
Well I agree with the bottom half of your statement. But to Christians it is about Religion....even to "God". His name is jealous....because of the older Gods before him. He didnt want them worshipped. But why?? :O
Again this isnt a theological debate I am trying to have. Religions do not matter with what I was proposing. About raising our thoughts :/
It is not about religion. It is all about salvation.
This is when Christianity clicked for me. I went from militant atheist, to agnostic, then studied Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and other belief systems only to be left wanting more. Almost like it was almost enough, but it didn’t fulfill me. When I came back to studying Christianity I had a realization that Jesus was who he said he was. And that the lessons he taught are just as relevant today as they day he spoke them. So many truths and redpills in the Bible that it cannot be rationalized away. At least not in my mind and experience. Jesus is the way.
Did you used to phook?