He also put the family Irish Setter in a crate on top of the station wagon, and the poor dog shit himself from fear. For me, this in enough reason never to trust Romney.
In June 1983, the Romney family left their Belmont, Massachusetts home on their way to Romney's parents' cottage in Beach O' Pines, Ontario for an annual vacation along the shore of Lake Huron. Their dog, Seamus, rode in a carrier on the roof of the family's Chevrolet Caprice station wagon for the 12-hour trip. Romney had built a windshield for the carrier to make the ride more comfortable for the dog.[1] During the 650-mile (1,050 km) trip, Seamus got diarrhea. The Romneys were first alerted to the Irish Setter’s bowel issues when Tagg noticed brown liquid pouring down the back window, followed immediately by him and his younger brothers yelling in disgust. Romney stopped at a gas station to wash the dog, the carrier, and the car. With Seamus back in the carrier, the family continued on their way.
Let the fools spend their energy on this loser. He lost all respect from me when he let Candy Crowley walk all over him during his debate with the Renegade criminal.
It has been ever more downhill for this weak poser since.
Where's the sauce on Posobiec backing Romney?
That is the opposite of an endorsement.
Nah that is courting the left to get behind Romeny
satanic magic underwear wearing cockroach.
No thanks - Mittens was controlled opposition against Barry.. We don't need him in the clown show again.
Romney is a Swamp Rat and should never hold elected office anywhere in the country.
Where was Posobiec pushing Romney?
He also put the family Irish Setter in a crate on top of the station wagon, and the poor dog shit himself from fear. For me, this in enough reason never to trust Romney.
In June 1983, the Romney family left their Belmont, Massachusetts home on their way to Romney's parents' cottage in Beach O' Pines, Ontario for an annual vacation along the shore of Lake Huron. Their dog, Seamus, rode in a carrier on the roof of the family's Chevrolet Caprice station wagon for the 12-hour trip. Romney had built a windshield for the carrier to make the ride more comfortable for the dog.[1] During the 650-mile (1,050 km) trip, Seamus got diarrhea. The Romneys were first alerted to the Irish Setter’s bowel issues when Tagg noticed brown liquid pouring down the back window, followed immediately by him and his younger brothers yelling in disgust. Romney stopped at a gas station to wash the dog, the carrier, and the car. With Seamus back in the carrier, the family continued on their way.
Don’t forget his binder’s of women, jeeze real classy guy
Let the fools spend their energy on this loser. He lost all respect from me when he let Candy Crowley walk all over him during his debate with the Renegade criminal. It has been ever more downhill for this weak poser since.