Matthew 18:6. "but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."
One of my other favs!!!! It's all about the Light. We've allowed darkness to take over our world. Our job is to spread light. To shine light on the darkness, to bring it into the light. Evil cannot exist where there is light. "All light comes from Him".
What have the Balenciagas been doing in private, behind the scenes where we haven't pried the doors open yet?
Who are the executives who have been directing this catastrophe? What kind of people are they - really? What have they been doing in their private lives?
How did they rise to the top of the Balenciaga organization? The whole organization must be as corrupt, as rotten to the core, as the FBI.
So skip the namby and the pamby. We will seek the full set of facts and then we will seek justice. Probably justice will end with the death penalty for some.
The world is beginning to turn and the sun is going to rise.
I've survived most my adult living under the single fact that "where there is smoke, there is fire". Everyone involved to pull adds together and so forth with that "tone", the concept, to the execution, the approval process, the content reviews.....they saw, they knew. When it comes to hurting children, complicit takes on a much, much more severe meaning in my mind.
Apology not accepted.
Matthew 18:6. "but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."
The above are the terms
1000 %...🙏🏻
They want to apologize? Kill the business and admit what they did and accept incarceration. Then I’ll believe them.
lol, this gif gets me everytime
Luke8:17 For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.
One of my other favs!!!! It's all about the Light. We've allowed darkness to take over our world. Our job is to spread light. To shine light on the darkness, to bring it into the light. Evil cannot exist where there is light. "All light comes from Him".
What have the Balenciagas been doing in private, behind the scenes where we haven't pried the doors open yet?
Who are the executives who have been directing this catastrophe? What kind of people are they - really? What have they been doing in their private lives?
How did they rise to the top of the Balenciaga organization? The whole organization must be as corrupt, as rotten to the core, as the FBI.
So skip the namby and the pamby. We will seek the full set of facts and then we will seek justice. Probably justice will end with the death penalty for some.
The world is beginning to turn and the sun is going to rise.
I've survived most my adult living under the single fact that "where there is smoke, there is fire". Everyone involved to pull adds together and so forth with that "tone", the concept, to the execution, the approval process, the content reviews.....they saw, they knew. When it comes to hurting children, complicit takes on a much, much more severe meaning in my mind.