Obviously not a coincidence. Either the Cabal is controlling this to add insult to injury, or the Alliance is using this to stick it to the Cabal. Both narratives will produce the same result, which is more people waking up.
They decided to have a conference that happened last week. It's not much longer, technically the filing has been distributed. With the releae of the twitter files this might happen sooner than the 6th.
I think we are getting a lot of bad info now. Its becoming so convoluted, that the messages are getting lost in interpretation somewhere. It seems like this nightmare will continue for possibly years and years more.
Don't steal my hopium! Go get your own, thief. Kek. Thanks for putting it in perspective. I didn't even think to look at the calendar too realize this.
So how are we gonna get that great Christmas, president Trump promised us? Are things moving to next year now? I was not expecting a miracle, but this one looks like it would of fit the bill. Another year it is then. Hope the country stays in 1 piece till then.
Obviously not a coincidence. Either the Cabal is controlling this to add insult to injury, or the Alliance is using this to stick it to the Cabal. Both narratives will produce the same result, which is more people waking up.
I'm not expecting anything out of this but I would say placing it on that day would deter either side from "rioting," whatever the outcome may be.
I chek'd it on fakebook, it's legit post. Won't link it cuz, well, fakebook.
I thought they were deciding this week?
They decided to have a conference that happened last week. It's not much longer, technically the filing has been distributed. With the releae of the twitter files this might happen sooner than the 6th.
I think we are getting a lot of bad info now. Its becoming so convoluted, that the messages are getting lost in interpretation somewhere. It seems like this nightmare will continue for possibly years and years more.
No rush, there guys. Might as well put it off to... Wait a sec... That date sounds familiar for some reason.
That will be a date for the history books in more ways than one. Reclaim the date in the name of freedom!
if i remember right these will be supreme court judges, is there any other means of redress beyond the supreme court, or is that it?
Ooooh. there are no coinkidinks.
my hobbies include alt-right lowbrowism, ballroom dancing, lifting trucks and rampant date faggotry.
Jan 6 is the first Friday after the holiday break. Conferences are held every Friday by default. This is just a coincidence of the calendar.
Don't steal my hopium! Go get your own, thief. Kek. Thanks for putting it in perspective. I didn't even think to look at the calendar too realize this.
So how are we gonna get that great Christmas, president Trump promised us? Are things moving to next year now? I was not expecting a miracle, but this one looks like it would of fit the bill. Another year it is then. Hope the country stays in 1 piece till then.