Anyone who brings up East Asians having higher IQ on average than others can GTFO.
I go on /pol/ often and I keep seeing these "IQ" slide threads saying why are Asians so smart, while other nations are not as smart as Asians? blah blah.
On a side note, I'd love to visit Japan one day. I truly admire their culture, food and the environment! I love that they make it a habit to clean up after themselves no matter where they are but I think sometimes they really need to tone it down as there are custodial services that take care of that, like the Japanese fans cleaned up after themselves at the Qatar World Cup. I mean, nothing's wrong with showing respect but if there's cleaning services available for that, they should just yield to the cleaning services!
Yeah, don't get me wrong. I love Japan, but I've gone well past the culture shock curve and have since developed a healthy love/hate relationship with both Japan and the USA. I'll be here for life. I can put up with the effeminite, faggoty Johnny's Jr. ass-magnet singers on TV, but this mask crap is really getting on my nerves. I teach an adult English class and I asked them if they could name the two types of viruses that make the common cold. They did not know the answer was rhinovirus and coronavirus. So stupid.
Japanese are cleaner than most, except my hobby that has emerged from all of this bullcrap is taking photos of fearmasks I find lying about. I made a gallery on my site here:
Feel free to look around at the various galleries on there, as I've collected memes and such there too.
But nah, I don't go on /pol much, or 8kun. The captcha won't let me post anything or tells me the threads are closed. I don't get it. Plus there's too much to filter to find the really good stuff. Much of the pertinent stuff shows up on this forum anyway.
Wow that's a lot of masks on the ground! Here in Ohio, I've seen at least 5 so far, littered on the ground and I've been everywhere in this town for the last 2 years.
Interesting to see that happening in Japan, of all places, where they'd prefer to keep it clean. I'd think it would be like Hawaii, where you can't smoke a cigarette close to people and places and you can't just flick the butt away, you have to dispose it properly or get a hefty fine along with menacing glances from the residents.
As for the captchas and all, yeah it's weird and I don't post on any boards on 4chan, ever because I'm on clearnet, not even behind a proxy or using VPN so nah. I've been tempted to reply to someone's post but held my temptation back. If you ever consider going back to 4chan, I'd suggest installing 4Chan X extension, it makes the experience better and helps you with the filtering.
Thanks for sharing your photo gallery, I'm dumbfounded to see that happening! Also thanks for explaining your experience in Japan! I'm aware of the effeminacy there as I do watch anime but I still want to visit Japan. I know anime can be viewed as cringe by many on here as well as everywhere but hey, it's better than watching primetime T.V. shows, that's way more cringe than anime.
I'm a total anime fag myself. I just don't care for the vast majority of stuff from the year 2000 on. I prefer the old school stuff by far. Gimme epic space fleet battles over vacuous school girls talking about how flat-chested they are ANYDAY.
You sound like you go on /pol/ often lol
I go on /pol/ often and I keep seeing these "IQ" slide threads saying why are Asians so smart, while other nations are not as smart as Asians? blah blah.
On a side note, I'd love to visit Japan one day. I truly admire their culture, food and the environment! I love that they make it a habit to clean up after themselves no matter where they are but I think sometimes they really need to tone it down as there are custodial services that take care of that, like the Japanese fans cleaned up after themselves at the Qatar World Cup. I mean, nothing's wrong with showing respect but if there's cleaning services available for that, they should just yield to the cleaning services!
Yeah, don't get me wrong. I love Japan, but I've gone well past the culture shock curve and have since developed a healthy love/hate relationship with both Japan and the USA. I'll be here for life. I can put up with the effeminite, faggoty Johnny's Jr. ass-magnet singers on TV, but this mask crap is really getting on my nerves. I teach an adult English class and I asked them if they could name the two types of viruses that make the common cold. They did not know the answer was rhinovirus and coronavirus. So stupid.
Japanese are cleaner than most, except my hobby that has emerged from all of this bullcrap is taking photos of fearmasks I find lying about. I made a gallery on my site here:
Feel free to look around at the various galleries on there, as I've collected memes and such there too.
But nah, I don't go on /pol much, or 8kun. The captcha won't let me post anything or tells me the threads are closed. I don't get it. Plus there's too much to filter to find the really good stuff. Much of the pertinent stuff shows up on this forum anyway.
Wow that's a lot of masks on the ground! Here in Ohio, I've seen at least 5 so far, littered on the ground and I've been everywhere in this town for the last 2 years.
Interesting to see that happening in Japan, of all places, where they'd prefer to keep it clean. I'd think it would be like Hawaii, where you can't smoke a cigarette close to people and places and you can't just flick the butt away, you have to dispose it properly or get a hefty fine along with menacing glances from the residents.
As for the captchas and all, yeah it's weird and I don't post on any boards on 4chan, ever because I'm on clearnet, not even behind a proxy or using VPN so nah. I've been tempted to reply to someone's post but held my temptation back. If you ever consider going back to 4chan, I'd suggest installing 4Chan X extension, it makes the experience better and helps you with the filtering.
Thanks for sharing your photo gallery, I'm dumbfounded to see that happening! Also thanks for explaining your experience in Japan! I'm aware of the effeminacy there as I do watch anime but I still want to visit Japan. I know anime can be viewed as cringe by many on here as well as everywhere but hey, it's better than watching primetime T.V. shows, that's way more cringe than anime.
I'm a total anime fag myself. I just don't care for the vast majority of stuff from the year 2000 on. I prefer the old school stuff by far. Gimme epic space fleet battles over vacuous school girls talking about how flat-chested they are ANYDAY.