My take is that it feels like a strawman/scapegoat is being set up.
Do we TRUST Musk?
That's the real thing here. Do we REALLY Trust Musk?
If the swamp is Deep and Wide - Bigger then anyone imagined - then who is to say that these people feeding us the Twitter Files are Truthful?
We're sitting here seeing these files come out - and reacting to them like they're The Bible.
Are they? How do we know?
Did I miss something?
Who have these Twitter Files implicated? Vajayaya and, Yoel Roth?
Maybe some other SJW Twitter employees?
Sure - the DNC had more donations - but is that really a smoking gun?
To me, this feels like some Twitter employees are going to get in trouble for their choices - and that's where that ends.
What are the lingering effects though?
I can see a few potentials.... some sort of internet regulation - society giving "Trust" to Musk, because they won't question his Offering and will eat it up while raising up as a "good guy" - backing down from questioning his CHIP Implants coming in the near future...
Something tells me that Musk bought an opportunity to use Twitter's mistake as a sacrifice to the masses - to gain trust - to usher in Transhumanism - a CHIP system - that will tie into his Starlink system...
At which point, it's easy to see how that intersects with the Economic collapse that is in the background - digital currency birthed from that
Use Musk's transhuman chips for the digital currency system on musk's starlink system...
I'm not dooming - I'm connecting some dots here that we all seem eager to overlook because we're not seeing all of the events here through a Biblical worldview (which is the Real Test of Truth!).
Do not be a normie and accept Musk as a "Good Guy" - 5D chess, right?
Sure - Trump said he likes Musk (in some form, right?).
Trump has said that about many that turned out to be bad guys - that Trump kept close to himself for strategic reasons.
How do we know Musk isn't one of those?
We collectively need to be much slower at jumping on a bandwagon.
It's easy to do it - it feels good - but it's very very foolish and, historically, that behavior in "normies" is what led a lot of us to this forum - as a refuge - from such emotional noise.
The Twitter Files have confirmed the existence of the Deep State, and have brought the narrative of the Deep State into the awareness of the general public.
The 40,000 ft view must be considered. You know about the Deep State. I know about the Deep State. Every Anon on The Great Awakening knows about the Deep State. We participate in The Great Awakening, a highly educated group of aware and focused Anons who research the subject of The Deep State for hours a day.
To the Netflix watching Normie, all of this information is new information.
The Twitter Files may not seem as consequential to us, but once you take the perspective of a clueless normie, you begin to see the impact these files will have in due time.
First you start with a drip, drip, drip of information.
Members of the Republican and Democrat parties were actively in communications with technicians at Twitter directly requesting, on behalf of the Government, for the censorship of American citizens. No trials, no juries, no warrants, no justice ― that is the definition of a Deep State; a political establishment operating under the table and outside the prevue of the Justice System.
Yeah - I saw that too. The way it was presented felt almost like an ASIDE though - as many more of the Twitter Files seemed to focus on the back and forth and Doubling Down of Twitter Employees' choices to censor the Hunter Laptop story.
I see what you're saying - but for those headline focusing normies out there, the Twitter Employees doubling down conversations seem way more Foreground then the R & D's requests.
I guess I'm expecting in these Twitter Files that the story of the R & D requests would be highlighted front and center - made obvious - obvious enough the that Normies could not overlook it in any way.
So it's the manner it was communicated that makes me wonder - feels like we Drove by the offramp to that Headline....
I still don't think we should eat up this whole situation without analyzing all of the characters and their motives.
I guess I see your point that this is the start of unveiling the deep state - but what I'm saying is, I am failing to see how it LEADS to the deep state.
That's why I keep saying it feels like it's going to end at some SJW big tech scapegoats, as the information was currently presented today.
Yep, step out of the anon bubble and get a reminder that many normies don't know shit. Was at a party last night and took minutes to run into a couple of them who think that Ukraine is winning against Russia.
You know - i have to say, I'm pretty disappointed to be shot down for questioning the narrative here on these boards.
It was the earliest days of the lockdowns, before I came here - that I was sharing non-mainstream information from doctors who were sharing their knowledge regarding the "virus".
I shared it on FB in an effort to share some interesting information that felt sound (and has since been proven 100% true) - because I naively expected that humanity was now on a collective quest for answers.
What my "friends" responded with was incredible - a monkey-piling event - where person after person jumped in and said "nuh-uh - these guys are fake news and you're dumb for even listening to them."
It was at that point I realized that so many "friends" weren't interested in a pursuit of Truth - they were interested in pushing their ideas of what was and wasn't truthful - which is a quest to preserve their version of reality.
I know enough to realize that many here are NOT like those people. But the ones that vote down someone questioning the narrative here, sure feels like those people... disappointing, to say the least.
Ultimately I don't care - but I guess I should have realized that that same human nature I saw on FB will exist here too.
Don't feel discouraged, the downvotes and accusations of trolling that sometimes accompany them can be disheartening but the people here at least generally want the same things as you (I assume) do. It is not fruitless to engage
I truly believe that tavistock institute shills and CIA etc examine the comments and downvote to discourage and they comment too with false information to confuse and make us give up.
Everyone is at different stages spiritually too and what can be accepted by some anons will sound rubbish to others.
All this will help you's the essence of the battle...think of pilgrims progress ...the higher up the mountain you go the harder it gets.
The laptop contents show mega millions from other nations going to a non duly elected resident of the United States of's only the beginning of the fall of the kabal....yes!!!
But were these Twitter files really that damning?
My take is that it feels like a strawman/scapegoat is being set up.
Do we TRUST Musk?
That's the real thing here. Do we REALLY Trust Musk?
If the swamp is Deep and Wide - Bigger then anyone imagined - then who is to say that these people feeding us the Twitter Files are Truthful?
We're sitting here seeing these files come out - and reacting to them like they're The Bible.
Are they? How do we know?
Did I miss something?
Who have these Twitter Files implicated? Vajayaya and, Yoel Roth?
Maybe some other SJW Twitter employees?
Sure - the DNC had more donations - but is that really a smoking gun?
To me, this feels like some Twitter employees are going to get in trouble for their choices - and that's where that ends.
What are the lingering effects though?
I can see a few potentials.... some sort of internet regulation - society giving "Trust" to Musk, because they won't question his Offering and will eat it up while raising up as a "good guy" - backing down from questioning his CHIP Implants coming in the near future...
Something tells me that Musk bought an opportunity to use Twitter's mistake as a sacrifice to the masses - to gain trust - to usher in Transhumanism - a CHIP system - that will tie into his Starlink system...
At which point, it's easy to see how that intersects with the Economic collapse that is in the background - digital currency birthed from that
Use Musk's transhuman chips for the digital currency system on musk's starlink system...
I'm not dooming - I'm connecting some dots here that we all seem eager to overlook because we're not seeing all of the events here through a Biblical worldview (which is the Real Test of Truth!).
Do not be a normie and accept Musk as a "Good Guy" - 5D chess, right?
Sure - Trump said he likes Musk (in some form, right?).
Trump has said that about many that turned out to be bad guys - that Trump kept close to himself for strategic reasons.
How do we know Musk isn't one of those?
We collectively need to be much slower at jumping on a bandwagon.
It's easy to do it - it feels good - but it's very very foolish and, historically, that behavior in "normies" is what led a lot of us to this forum - as a refuge - from such emotional noise.
Be wary.
The Twitter Files have confirmed the existence of the Deep State, and have brought the narrative of the Deep State into the awareness of the general public.
The 40,000 ft view must be considered. You know about the Deep State. I know about the Deep State. Every Anon on The Great Awakening knows about the Deep State. We participate in The Great Awakening, a highly educated group of aware and focused Anons who research the subject of The Deep State for hours a day.
To the Netflix watching Normie, all of this information is new information.
The Twitter Files may not seem as consequential to us, but once you take the perspective of a clueless normie, you begin to see the impact these files will have in due time.
First you start with a drip, drip, drip of information.
Then comes THE FLOOD.
Very nice. I literally looked at the Truth Social logo and thought of it as being a faucet. This was some weeks ago.
Frogs LOVE water.
But that's part of my question - where does it make it obvious about the Deep State in this?
I'm here every day - I talk about this stuff every day with my wife who is also invested in this community.
Other then some SJW employees at Twitter (common in big tech) - where is there an obvious manifestation of the Deep State that we here know about?
Maybe there's something obvious I missed...
Members of the Republican and Democrat parties were actively in communications with technicians at Twitter directly requesting, on behalf of the Government, for the censorship of American citizens. No trials, no juries, no warrants, no justice ― that is the definition of a Deep State; a political establishment operating under the table and outside the prevue of the Justice System.
Yeah - I saw that too. The way it was presented felt almost like an ASIDE though - as many more of the Twitter Files seemed to focus on the back and forth and Doubling Down of Twitter Employees' choices to censor the Hunter Laptop story.
I see what you're saying - but for those headline focusing normies out there, the Twitter Employees doubling down conversations seem way more Foreground then the R & D's requests.
I guess I'm expecting in these Twitter Files that the story of the R & D requests would be highlighted front and center - made obvious - obvious enough the that Normies could not overlook it in any way.
So it's the manner it was communicated that makes me wonder - feels like we Drove by the offramp to that Headline....
I still don't think we should eat up this whole situation without analyzing all of the characters and their motives.
Game theory is what we're about, right?
They also targeted political parties and individuals. It wasn’t across the board.
I guess I see your point that this is the start of unveiling the deep state - but what I'm saying is, I am failing to see how it LEADS to the deep state.
That's why I keep saying it feels like it's going to end at some SJW big tech scapegoats, as the information was currently presented today.
It’s to wake up the sleeping zombies. Military is the only way.
Yep, step out of the anon bubble and get a reminder that many normies don't know shit. Was at a party last night and took minutes to run into a couple of them who think that Ukraine is winning against Russia.
You know - i have to say, I'm pretty disappointed to be shot down for questioning the narrative here on these boards.
It was the earliest days of the lockdowns, before I came here - that I was sharing non-mainstream information from doctors who were sharing their knowledge regarding the "virus".
I shared it on FB in an effort to share some interesting information that felt sound (and has since been proven 100% true) - because I naively expected that humanity was now on a collective quest for answers.
What my "friends" responded with was incredible - a monkey-piling event - where person after person jumped in and said "nuh-uh - these guys are fake news and you're dumb for even listening to them."
It was at that point I realized that so many "friends" weren't interested in a pursuit of Truth - they were interested in pushing their ideas of what was and wasn't truthful - which is a quest to preserve their version of reality.
I know enough to realize that many here are NOT like those people. But the ones that vote down someone questioning the narrative here, sure feels like those people... disappointing, to say the least.
Ultimately I don't care - but I guess I should have realized that that same human nature I saw on FB will exist here too.
It's a shame.
You got six downvotes on a post about whether people can trust Musk or not.
This is hardly the travesty you make it out to be.
Clearly some people disagree with the premise of your post., including myself.
I would give you a downvote for histrionics but that would be a shame.
Lol - I don't give a damn about attention.
I am not sure what your point is then about being disappointed and being "shot down" regarding your opinion on this site.
Don't feel discouraged, the downvotes and accusations of trolling that sometimes accompany them can be disheartening but the people here at least generally want the same things as you (I assume) do. It is not fruitless to engage
I truly believe that tavistock institute shills and CIA etc examine the comments and downvote to discourage and they comment too with false information to confuse and make us give up.
Everyone is at different stages spiritually too and what can be accepted by some anons will sound rubbish to others.
All this will help you's the essence of the battle...think of pilgrims progress ...the higher up the mountain you go the harder it gets.
The laptop contents show mega millions from other nations going to a non duly elected resident of the United States of's only the beginning of the fall of the kabal....yes!!!
I don't trust musk for the exact same reasons.
Good critical thinking. Always ask why- it didn’t seem that large to me either. It may be the start of more drops, but this is not “huge”