>catbox< Brazil: Breaking; GAW Exclusive Hopium & Beyond! Military Publicly Handing Docs to Bolsonaro - VID 90 secs. In the Capitol, Brasilia Dec 2nd. L.I.C.

Um yes I have contacts on the ground in Brazil. Word/rumor is military is deployed protecting entire country from surrounding lefty countries that may want to help bring Lula the lunatic to power.
I started praying a moment after reading your post / comments .. Dear God : protect Brazil !
Prayers up. 🙏
Wow, that is heavy stuff.
Did anyone see the line of military vehicles driving on the road as the guy walks down the ramp?
yeah and that horn! geez someone is stoked!
The word at the top of the video means it's starting or it's begun!
L.I.C. means link in comments. What were you thinking? ;) https://files.catbox.moe/myc5wv.mp4 11mb file 90 seconds.