Look at the photos in this link. In the first photo, the hood on the car on the left is half melted. The car on the right, the engine cockpit is completely disintegrated, the rubber is still on the rim of the tire.
In the second photo, the car of the left has melted metal pooled below the vehicle.
I had an engine fire on my 77 Cutlass, 40 years ago, flames coming out the wheel wells. It happened in a parking lot at the mall. Cars parked on both sides and in front, no damage to the other vehicles. Fire truck showed up and put the fire out.
I replaced the wiring, hoses, tires, painted the hood and fenders and put it back on the road. Engine fires do not cause the metal to melt.
If you think about what is going on, we see a back-and-forth action / reaction between the white and black hats.
Let's start with Trump, creates the Space Force. What kind of weapons do you think they would have developed? My first guess would be DEW.
There has been talk for years about direct energy weapons (DEW). Rumors are Israel had a DEW weapon floating above our heads.
It was rumored that DEW was used to start the fires in California to obtain federal money by declaring a national emergency. Trump had previously ended most of the federal funding to California, pulling a $1 billion grant for their highspeed rail system. California was desperate for money. They created a disaster to cash in.
Here is a video about the California fires, many cars burned up from spreading fires, the metal is not melted. Police scanners were used, police were told to get out of their police cars and run.
If you look at the fires in California, they covered a path that would be used to put the high speed rail system on. Ending eminent domain, burning homes of people and the people, who refused to sell to the state.
Anyway, I'm getting off subject. If we now look at the Georgia Guidestones, watch this video, you see a light behind the stones. As the stones explode, you see the light behind the stones get really bright. Typical explosive devices would not have caused that light to brighten up like that. A DEW coming down on the Guidestones would have heated the granite and caused it to explode. The energy radiating from the DEW through the air (electrons) could have cause the light in the background to get bright for a split second.
So back in November, Trump announced his election bid, he ramped up the announcement, everyone thought he was going to release evidence on the election fraud or evidence against deep state.
The deep state response was to fire a couple of missiles into Poland, get NATO involved, start WW3. Once it was realized it was just an election announcement, the deep state reversed the story, it was an accident.
Trump intentionally ramped up this meeting to see where the cabal would leap.
Action / reaction: Space Force sends a direct message to the deep state. Burns Biden's 5 cars sitting in a parking lot. I am sure whoever investigated this car fire knows something abnormal happened. Melted metal?
The message: We are watching you, we can take you out when we please, fuck around and find out.
Have a good day my frens!!!
Yes, it is something to look through.
With regards to the images .... what is potentially possible is often used to discredit things. See Jim Bakers email response on the Hunter Biden Laptop. Though logical in and of itself, as a certain amount of healthy skepticism demands it, for those who live in clown world their version of can is often geared to the imagination.
It either something is or is not. The question then is: do you have proof positive that the images are either tampered with or constitute glitches?
I have personally reviewed the official source material, and given the fact that it concerns several source devices and official websites the question becomes to explain the coherence between them being a glitch at the same time-interval.
It is a classic example of a digital drop out. We hear them all the time on cell phones as springy noises. This guy doesn't have proof positive of anything. He didn't even know what purple meant, which is consistent with it being a glitch rather than a coded representation.