That's where the colloquial term for police came from, but originally 5-O stood for 50, as Hawaii was the 50th State of the USA. Maybe she's pointing to Hawaii... or perhaps someone who claims to have been born in Hawaii but wasn't? 🤔
I think the phrase originated with the Honolulu, Hawaii police department and became popular with this TV series starring Jack Lord. Another phrase that started with this series was, "Book 'em Dano!"
My thoughts exactly. Don't know the meaning as in your reference to law enforcement, but it doesn't look like sloppiness on her part.
Like tv show 'Hawaii 5-O'?
That's where it came from. 😃
That's where the colloquial term for police came from, but originally 5-O stood for 50, as Hawaii was the 50th State of the USA. Maybe she's pointing to Hawaii... or perhaps someone who claims to have been born in Hawaii but wasn't? 🤔
I think the phrase originated with the Honolulu, Hawaii police department and became popular with this TV series starring Jack Lord. Another phrase that started with this series was, "Book 'em Dano!"