In 1998, this “satirical” Schoolhouse Rick clip aired live on SNL once before it was banned and never aired again…
Kanye is RIGHT
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Back when wrestling was entertaining.
Back when the WWF knew that Clowns wanted them to push Degeneracy to kids, hard. Not doing so was causing them to lose in ratings via WCW. Reconcile Steve Austin's gimmick of pounding back beers, and the Degen-X plotlines in this era.
China is the bodyguard.
What 'degenerate" actions did you see Degeneration X doing?
"That’s all fairly clear, so it’s comms of hunting enemies, and how does he do that? Remember his finishing move. Pedigree, note he pulls their arms behind the back as if arresting them and then drops their “head” on the floor.
Combine that with his founding of Dgen-X and it looks to be comms of ordering murders “Hunter” of those billionaire men like the famously humiliated “Hearst” and billionaire women like the famously ruined “Helmsley”
Also Chyna was the boyfriend of HHH, and the plotline involved her acting as his bodyguard.
HHH was the leader of Degeneration X. The “Suck it ” Catchphrase that acted as the rebellious youth, rioting, vandalizing, and causing mayhem. His (and DGen X) rise coincided with WWF overtaking WCW, and he married Vince McMahon’s daughter soon after. Meaning that Degeneration X was likely the key symbolism that WWF identified with.
If the D-Gen X comms were comms intended to get kids to imitate, then what would be imitated? Making children adopt self destructive behaviors and attitudes? That’s the brainwashing component that tends to accompany the comms. After all, why just send a message when it can function as conditioning itself.
With all that in mind, recall Chyna was introduced as his bodyguard, and it seems this is why they were allowed to retake the crown from the WCW.
Note they are named by a character named the “Hitman” Note the debut intro focusing on pointing to his crotch, which was the catch phrase “Suck it” they had throughout their time.
One of the most important parts of the NWO storyline is that it was darker and involved villains winning more often than heroes. It starred in the critical role the alcoholic Scott Hall and turning Hulk Hogan the long time hero into a villain.
This darker aspect is a big clue for meaning, because this takeover lasted until WWF Fought back by making their own brand darker and they also focused on Alcohol through Stone Cold Steve Austin. Whose signature move is asking for someone to throw him a bear and then drinking in the ring. Define imitation by kids.
So just like John Cena we have a influence to a primarily children audience telling them to begin drinking, but it gets much worse because they didn’t just copy the beer push by WCW they also copied the NWO.
They adapted their own version of NWO in the form of Degeneration X, with Chyna as the bodyguard of it. And they began incorporating raunchy and involve disgusting plotlines focused around sex.
Hulk Hogan used to promote people taking vitamins, that’s good, but this group had “Suck It” as a catch phrase, so demanding oral sex and well plot lines like when they had a 77 year old pregnant woman nearly keep getting an abortion by running into violence and then on air gives birth to a hand as people vomit.
So before the insane hand birth, a famously mannish playboy model named Chyna attacks a wrestler named Perry Saturn in the groin as he fights Jericho. P.S. + Ring comm, as in a secret message to controlled. Then we have “Sexual Chocolate” with a pregnant 77 year old woman named “Young” who attacks a wrestler and nearly causes herself to miscarry the baby. She then then begins smoking cigars before giving “birth” in front of her black boyfriend to a white hand. Humiliating him.
So it seems pretty clear why WWF was allowed to take the crown back from WCW now eh? The goal was brainwashing and WWF agreed to lower the bar."