My husband had just had a major stroke, and I do mean major, as he was given only a 10% chance to survive the night due to his brain swelling, complicated by having covid. Although I'd informed my church, of course, and had many people praying, I posted here what had happened. I knew how Frens would respond, and I wasn't disappointed. The continued support and prayers buoyed me through the first roughest days. On this one year anniversary, my husband has made a full recovery and is back to work. So thank-you Frens and thank-you Mods for letting these posts go through. You are all so appreciated.
TLDR: this community supported me through my husband's stroke, and I'm extremely grateful.
Blessed be to God's wisdom and grace. Your husband should be taking cayenne pills because God has provided us with it's miraculous capsaicin. Cayenne pepper is a very powerful vasodilator. It works faster than aspirin and has no side effects. It is far better than any Big Pharma drug there is. Sprinkle a capsule worth in your Green tea. Use a tea spoon in hot hater and drink it down in case of chest pain and oncoming heart attack.
One of his greatest stories in Dr. John Christopher's long career was how he could instantly stop a heart attack if he could get the patient to drink a glass of warm cayenne water. He said, “A teaspoon of cayenne should bring the patient out of the heart attack.” University of Cincinnati (UC) scientists have found that capsaicin, the main component of cayenne, may literally stop a heart attack in its tracks when applied topically.
New research just published in the journal Circulation concludes that a common, over-the-counter pain salve containing capsaicin rubbed on the skin during a heart attack could serve as a cardiac-protectant — reducing or even preventing damage to the heart. The researchers found an amazing 85 percent reduction in cardiac cell death when capsaicin was used. This is the most powerful cardioprotective effect ever recorded, according to Keith Jones, PhD, a researcher in the UC department of pharmacology and cell biophysics.
Thank you, dear fren. I love these simple remedies, because it shows how much God loves us and that he has given to us everything we need.
I pray that soon there will come the time that all these wonderful remedies will be taught everywhere.
A very quick remedy to lower high blood pressure: Magnesium in water; lemon juice in water; bathing the feet in hot (not to hot) water - work every time for my Mother in 10 - 20 minutes!
POWERFUL info! Thanks fren!