A) My arguments against Trump, Q, and the military stand. They are incapable of defeating the swamp because the swamp is run by Satan. God has ordained Satan to hold the world captive to sin and religious deception.
"Satan only has victories and God only has defeats because Satan rules the world."
And you moved the goalpost so far it's on the other side of the planet now.
Let me remind you of your original premise you completely failed to substantiate in any way, which is: "Nothing anyone posts or exposes means anything meaningful" and imagining everyone here is equally as delusional in that they all throw a party at every victory and wallow in despair at every defeat.
Not all patriots thought WW3 would have zero casualties as you suggest.
B) The judgment of God falling on the U.S. and the nations is not an example of using His name in vain.
Invoking God to bolster a failed argument certainly is.
All are being judged for rejecting God.
The tares grow with the wheat until judgement day. In case you are confused, today is not judgement day.
C) Enlighten me on your beliefs and theories then.
Bad people are running amok. Good people are stopping them to the best of their ability.
The bad people had the advantage for centuries, if not millennia. And they still have much advantage. But with the advent of modern technology, the good guys devised a plan to fight back.
I am a black piller. I am everything you choose to label me.
Since you like arguing everything in terms of what God thinks, when God taught us to pray He said "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
And if you were there, you'd rebuke Jesus and tell Him that God's will can't be done on earth, because Satan rules here.
No doomers or shills: If you can't use common sense, you'll get banned without hesitation. - You've confessed yourself that you don't belong here. You should leave and find some messaging forum that allows your black pilling activities.
Elon Musk reveal of Biden-corruption-suppression on Twitter via Matt Taibbi that will result in nothing.
The purpose is that everyone is moved one inch closer to the precipice, because that's when change becomes possible.
all the while Trump’s tax fraud failed to be swept under the rug by the Twitter reveal
Here's the irony.
Here you are, broadly proclaiming that everything is meaningless, meanwhile you're on top of it all and paying close attention and declaring everything as a failure.
On the other hand, I'm hardly paying attention to any of it, because I know the purpose of everything is to push everyone closer to the precipice.
Tax laws are written to be so convoluted that anyone could be found guilty of anything. Yet, instead of saying most taxes should be abolished like most patriots would, you're siding with the cabal and stating, not only are taxes good, but passing judgement on Trump that he actually engaged in fraud.
because people here are not allowed to know what you think
People here know what I think because I know how to communicate without violating forum rules and getting myself banned repeatedly.
The concept of making arguments and engaging in discourse involves reading, understanding, and restating others’ beliefs and then meaningfully responding to that to make a point. That nature of discourse involves these things. I am still not sure if you intentionally misrepresent what I say (by using quotes around comments not said by me or in my reply), or if you’re paraphrasing like what I did with the person 1/person 2 scenario. But what you did is not the same. I didn’t make the statements you “quoted.”
Example: You used quotations in this statement: "Satan only has victories and God only has defeats because Satan rules the world." I did not say this.
What I am saying, however, is God granted Satan authority over the ruling powers of the world to conduct evil that brings us into the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation. That’s the main idea behind Satan being the “god of this world”: sauce: https://www.gotquestions.org/Satan-god-world.html
You might have a foundational theological differing viewpoint of evil, who conducts it, and how it operates in the world (especially the governing institutions and authorities). For clarity help me understand: how does Christ’s victory at the cross and at the end of the age (what I’m referring to in my entire argument) somehow mean “God only has defeats”? You should want to justify this and answer for this. Otherwise, why are you engaging in discourse with me? What’s the purpose of intentionally misquoting and misrepresenting me? Are you even aware you’re doing it or do you actually believe I made the comment inside your “quotes”?
Again, proclaiming the judgment of God falling on the nations is not taking the name of the Lord in vain. Nations are capable of experiencing blessing, grace, mercy, and judgment at the same time. The difference, however, is that as we move into the Tribulation and Great Tribulation, judgment gets worse and worse as evil gets more powerful. God allowing that to happen is part of, essential to, God’s acts of judgment upon us.
If you honestly believe that the U.S. and the nations of the world are currently not experiencing judgment from God for rejecting Him (considering the moral state of each nation and the evil they conduct from the top down), then how do you account for the increasing evil and depravity of every nation as we near the so-called precipice, including the Tribulation and GT?
The reason the question of point #2 above is relevant is this: your response to my post/comment is that tares grow among the wheat. Once again, that is not related to my comment. The reason: tares are unbelievers and wheat are believers. Tares attend church with the wheat. The day of final judgment reveals them, yes…. But… this is not related to my belief/statements/comments on Satan purposing evil in the world, God judging the nations and allowing Satan to operate evil. I will explain:
The judgments leading into the Tribulation, during the Tribulation are not the same as the day of final judgment when all stand before God (believers and unbelievers, and get judged according to their unbelief and evil deeds, and those according to righteousness as believers). These are different concepts of judgment and different periods in time.
Your statement: “Bad people are running amok. Good people are stopping them to the best of their ability.
The bad people had the advantage for centuries, if not millennia. And they still have much advantage. But with the advent of modern technology, the good guys devised a plan to fight back.”
This is evidence of what I’m saying regarding Satan having authority to rule evil and run the world accordingly. Modern technology does not equate to moral progression or increase or even conquering evil. Let me explain:
Because of: 1) internet; 2) social media forums/outlets; 3) news media/outlets; 4) weapon technology; 5) increase of non-biblical ideologies; 6) increase of morally corrupt behavior; 6) crypto currency and more… (including anonymity in emails/communications)… the nations of the world, the leaders of the nations of the world, the citizens of the nations of the world, the media, the military powers, and all the sexual predators and organizations/cartels for drugs and trafficking of human are all interconnected now and can (and do) conduct their evil business on a faster and global scale, especially with the anonymity of currency and other things. Pornography is the best example I can think of immediately.
Now, I’ll grant you that there are good people at all levels who fight against that evil and corruption with the same usage of technology, but the corruption far, far, far outweighs any and all efforts to eliminate it. And it all comes back to the concept of bringing us into the Tribulation. And the precipice we/you speak of as relating to the 2nd great awakening, Q, the white hats, the side of good, the military, etc. does not end with conquering satan, restoring America (and to what exactly? A solely Christian nation void of evil and sin and idolatry? It never was…)… it only moves us closer to the Tribulation, not restoration.
The Mods can distinguish between my speech and behavior, conduct and that of banned accounts for flagrant evil and division. The act of me awakening to the reality of the incoming Tribulation and no longer adhering to Devolution (any of the multitude of variations and theories therein or thereabout) is not a justifiable reason that I should desire to not come here, or even be banned. I’m not harming and I’m not conducting malice. As stated above, these topics are worth discussion and for the sake of discourse and the truth, I’m choosing to engage you on the subjects.
The conundrum or paradox of hoping in saving the country and freeing the world of the cabal is (sorry to say it) a false hope that drives it’s adherents more insane and in more despair as they long for the freedom that only occurs at the very end of the age (even after the final day of judgment mentioned above). Our hope is in Christ, not man… at every level.
I am still not convinced that the Twitter suppression disclosure will result in what you think it will (possibly a global awakening and the final act that restores America and defeating the cabal?) or something similar?) or at least as I perceive it since you did say “the good guys devised a plan to fight back.” Okay, but the logical conclusion? The purpose in fighting back? The objective? End goal? Would that get you banned, as you alluded to? Or did you mean you want to curse and be violent and repulsive but you choose not because you would be banned? I’ll explain more at the end of my comment…
Anyway, the Hunter Biden laptop contents are global (thanks to modern technology) and have been for a few years now. The contents of the corruption far outweighs the Twitter suppression and I’ll explain why I believe that:
A) virtually everyone around the globe, world, sphere (sorry, to any flat-earthers) know about the laptop from hell. Even the MSM (or much of it) finally relented to the authenticity of the content (but with much prolonged backpedaling, I’ll grant that too).
B) The nature of the content and corruption is worse than the suppression of the story of the content (regardless of an election), even on a global media outlet such as Twitter. It already made the rounds since then.
What is my point? My point is this: an awakening already happened with the release of the laptop from hell… and what happened? Nothing. What more would a lesser awakening like the Twitter disclosure cause to the effect of finally taking down the cabal? The SCOTUS, DOJ, FBI, justice systems from the top down, and governments are ruled by evil (Satan). The only thing an awakening would cause is WWIII with abuse of military and nuclear power (January 6 was a microcosm of what is to come).
I’m not saying “everything is meaningless” (again you put quotations around a comment I did not make… please indicate you are paraphrasing and stop using quotation marks as if I said those things.. once again… that’s different from my person1/person2 example in my last post/reply if that’s what you are trying to do).
God told us what is to come in His Word. We know how to live in this life (in the world not of the world). Anyone in position of power with nuclear access, anyone in the military, whether they are Christian or not, whether they know what is to come or not, is not acting unrighteously by fighting against evil. Am not saying that (in case you might believe that I’m saying that). It is noble. But… ultimate victory is not coming until Christ does away with it after the final judgment at the end of the age. That doesn’t make us lost and without hope (but nor does it mean we take down the cabal).. that brings us closer to Christ and causes us to rely on Him more since we are without the ability to conquer Satan and “take down the cabal.”
Persecution and suffering refine us and strengthen our faith. The apostles who were martyred knew that intimately.
Anyway… The precipice you speak of is not comparable to what is coming in the Tribulation, should you find yourself in the earth at that time or live long enough to see its arrival.
Please try and capture the main point of each point I make if you’re going to engage with me. Ask for clarity if you’re unsure so that you’ll know how to respond to it. I’ve asked you for clarity in this comment so I can better know what you mean, i.e, your beliefs as relating to you potentially getting banned. The reason I pose the question and ask for clarity is this: the nature of the belief(s) in question directly relates to Q, Trump, devolution, military etc. So, do you mean your beliefs on those subjects would get you banned? How would they break the rules? This is what I mean. Does that make sense?
"Satan only has victories and God only has defeats because Satan rules the world."
And you moved the goalpost so far it's on the other side of the planet now.
Let me remind you of your original premise you completely failed to substantiate in any way, which is: "Nothing anyone posts or exposes means anything meaningful" and imagining everyone here is equally as delusional in that they all throw a party at every victory and wallow in despair at every defeat.
Not all patriots thought WW3 would have zero casualties as you suggest.
Invoking God to bolster a failed argument certainly is.
The tares grow with the wheat until judgement day. In case you are confused, today is not judgement day.
Bad people are running amok. Good people are stopping them to the best of their ability.
The bad people had the advantage for centuries, if not millennia. And they still have much advantage. But with the advent of modern technology, the good guys devised a plan to fight back.
Since you like arguing everything in terms of what God thinks, when God taught us to pray He said "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
And if you were there, you'd rebuke Jesus and tell Him that God's will can't be done on earth, because Satan rules here.
No doomers or shills: If you can't use common sense, you'll get banned without hesitation. - You've confessed yourself that you don't belong here. You should leave and find some messaging forum that allows your black pilling activities.
The purpose is that everyone is moved one inch closer to the precipice, because that's when change becomes possible.
Here's the irony.
Here you are, broadly proclaiming that everything is meaningless, meanwhile you're on top of it all and paying close attention and declaring everything as a failure.
On the other hand, I'm hardly paying attention to any of it, because I know the purpose of everything is to push everyone closer to the precipice.
Tax laws are written to be so convoluted that anyone could be found guilty of anything. Yet, instead of saying most taxes should be abolished like most patriots would, you're siding with the cabal and stating, not only are taxes good, but passing judgement on Trump that he actually engaged in fraud.
People here know what I think because I know how to communicate without violating forum rules and getting myself banned repeatedly.
Example: You used quotations in this statement: "Satan only has victories and God only has defeats because Satan rules the world." I did not say this.
What I am saying, however, is God granted Satan authority over the ruling powers of the world to conduct evil that brings us into the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation. That’s the main idea behind Satan being the “god of this world”: sauce: https://www.gotquestions.org/Satan-god-world.html
You might have a foundational theological differing viewpoint of evil, who conducts it, and how it operates in the world (especially the governing institutions and authorities). For clarity help me understand: how does Christ’s victory at the cross and at the end of the age (what I’m referring to in my entire argument) somehow mean “God only has defeats”? You should want to justify this and answer for this. Otherwise, why are you engaging in discourse with me? What’s the purpose of intentionally misquoting and misrepresenting me? Are you even aware you’re doing it or do you actually believe I made the comment inside your “quotes”?
If you honestly believe that the U.S. and the nations of the world are currently not experiencing judgment from God for rejecting Him (considering the moral state of each nation and the evil they conduct from the top down), then how do you account for the increasing evil and depravity of every nation as we near the so-called precipice, including the Tribulation and GT?
The judgments leading into the Tribulation, during the Tribulation are not the same as the day of final judgment when all stand before God (believers and unbelievers, and get judged according to their unbelief and evil deeds, and those according to righteousness as believers). These are different concepts of judgment and different periods in time.
The bad people had the advantage for centuries, if not millennia. And they still have much advantage. But with the advent of modern technology, the good guys devised a plan to fight back.”
This is evidence of what I’m saying regarding Satan having authority to rule evil and run the world accordingly. Modern technology does not equate to moral progression or increase or even conquering evil. Let me explain:
Because of: 1) internet; 2) social media forums/outlets; 3) news media/outlets; 4) weapon technology; 5) increase of non-biblical ideologies; 6) increase of morally corrupt behavior; 6) crypto currency and more… (including anonymity in emails/communications)… the nations of the world, the leaders of the nations of the world, the citizens of the nations of the world, the media, the military powers, and all the sexual predators and organizations/cartels for drugs and trafficking of human are all interconnected now and can (and do) conduct their evil business on a faster and global scale, especially with the anonymity of currency and other things. Pornography is the best example I can think of immediately.
Now, I’ll grant you that there are good people at all levels who fight against that evil and corruption with the same usage of technology, but the corruption far, far, far outweighs any and all efforts to eliminate it. And it all comes back to the concept of bringing us into the Tribulation. And the precipice we/you speak of as relating to the 2nd great awakening, Q, the white hats, the side of good, the military, etc. does not end with conquering satan, restoring America (and to what exactly? A solely Christian nation void of evil and sin and idolatry? It never was…)… it only moves us closer to the Tribulation, not restoration.
The conundrum or paradox of hoping in saving the country and freeing the world of the cabal is (sorry to say it) a false hope that drives it’s adherents more insane and in more despair as they long for the freedom that only occurs at the very end of the age (even after the final day of judgment mentioned above). Our hope is in Christ, not man… at every level.
Anyway, the Hunter Biden laptop contents are global (thanks to modern technology) and have been for a few years now. The contents of the corruption far outweighs the Twitter suppression and I’ll explain why I believe that:
A) virtually everyone around the globe, world, sphere (sorry, to any flat-earthers) know about the laptop from hell. Even the MSM (or much of it) finally relented to the authenticity of the content (but with much prolonged backpedaling, I’ll grant that too).
B) The nature of the content and corruption is worse than the suppression of the story of the content (regardless of an election), even on a global media outlet such as Twitter. It already made the rounds since then.
What is my point? My point is this: an awakening already happened with the release of the laptop from hell… and what happened? Nothing. What more would a lesser awakening like the Twitter disclosure cause to the effect of finally taking down the cabal? The SCOTUS, DOJ, FBI, justice systems from the top down, and governments are ruled by evil (Satan). The only thing an awakening would cause is WWIII with abuse of military and nuclear power (January 6 was a microcosm of what is to come).
God told us what is to come in His Word. We know how to live in this life (in the world not of the world). Anyone in position of power with nuclear access, anyone in the military, whether they are Christian or not, whether they know what is to come or not, is not acting unrighteously by fighting against evil. Am not saying that (in case you might believe that I’m saying that). It is noble. But… ultimate victory is not coming until Christ does away with it after the final judgment at the end of the age. That doesn’t make us lost and without hope (but nor does it mean we take down the cabal).. that brings us closer to Christ and causes us to rely on Him more since we are without the ability to conquer Satan and “take down the cabal.”
Persecution and suffering refine us and strengthen our faith. The apostles who were martyred knew that intimately.
Anyway… The precipice you speak of is not comparable to what is coming in the Tribulation, should you find yourself in the earth at that time or live long enough to see its arrival.
Please try and capture the main point of each point I make if you’re going to engage with me. Ask for clarity if you’re unsure so that you’ll know how to respond to it. I’ve asked you for clarity in this comment so I can better know what you mean, i.e, your beliefs as relating to you potentially getting banned. The reason I pose the question and ask for clarity is this: the nature of the belief(s) in question directly relates to Q, Trump, devolution, military etc. So, do you mean your beliefs on those subjects would get you banned? How would they break the rules? This is what I mean. Does that make sense?