The COVID "virus" pandemic was unleashed to deliver the graphene laden "vaccine" globally. The pen-ultimate goal is the AI driven graphene-based "InBrain", Neuralink" type brain implants, being delvoped by many companies, about to be approved by the FDA this month. DO YOU KNOW THE IMPLICATIONS!
You might remember that in Canada for one, they are classifying vaxx refusers as suffering from a "psychiatric" condition. This they will cure with brain implants. The tech will cure/manage "neuropsychiatric conditions". This tech is moving at such a fast pace, y'all had better wake up to it now.
This article is from March 2021. ** "The neural implant market is on the precipice of explosive growth From Elon Musk ’s NeuraLink to smartphone-powered ‘mobile mind control’, neural implants have created a lot of buzz in recent years. The hype is understandable – a device implanted inside the brain to manage neuropsychiatric conditions sounds like science fiction, but advances in the field are coming in thick and fast. "** ** This is how far they have come in 18 months - 7 leading companies: ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Implants are placed in the body via an INJECTION like the vaxx as well as surgery.
(2) The Human Brain Project is run by the EU - and as you might expect, THEY HAVE BEEN WORKING WITH THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM SINCE 2015.
(3) Try to understand the implications of this technology and how it will be forced, given over 60% of the US population has been infested with a graphene laden vaxx. Graphene in the body, 5G and a neural implant, microscopic, will take your consciousness, your very spirit/soul whatever, away from you. You will not mind, because you won't have one.
We talk about freedom of speech, freedoms... this is your free will they are after. Indeed, the WEF is not lying when they say "we are like gods", "you will have nothing AND you will be happy", because your neural implant will make you happy with nothing.
If you still think the US courts are going to stop this, you don't understand how they are all in this. Except Trump.
So, Clowns have been effectively 'programming' minds through abuse for decades upon decades upon decades. They do not need a 'nanomachines' activating graphene to activate an unstable, tortured victim to kill a target.
True. However, MKUltra and Mockingbird subjects take time, resources and long term investments. How easy would it be to skip all that with the literal "flick of a switch"?
Need a multifront terrorist attack? Flick a switch. Need a school shooting? Flick a switch, etc, etc.
Scary shit these MFers are playing with.
Im almost certain they are already flicking the switch. The tech they have is astounding and unimaginable.
You saw how well they executed the mass brain washing. Now injecting people with nancomputer operating systems. Have to find alternative avenues of life now. People will have to make a decision to leave society as it is developing.
What are time, resources, and "long term" investment (read: long term abuse of a child to create a monster) to the billionaire? These cells are all independent and autonomous. The billionaire puts out the Comm for desiring a hit, or a school shooting, and a cell delivers. The victims are kept in a state of being primed and ready to break.
The monster is apprehended. The psychologist assigned to the monster, the parents, the handlers, moved out of state and rewarded with lavish promotions and houses. All 100% untraceable to the billionaire who ordered the hit.
The important reason WHY its untraceable? The monster, the victim, 100% believes that the killing was 100% their idea. That's what they testify in court. Case Closed. This programming is by design. The killer thinking that THEY are the ones driving themselves on their own volition, is by design.
No one whose neuromuscular system is hijacked by some kind of graphene nanomachines by 5G waves is going to end up in court and 100% state it was their idea. Clown World has never NEEDED 'graphene implants' to keep fellow Clowns in line. Clowns have never NEEDED 'graphene implants' to take over third world countries. They use the above. Fictionalizing it with this nonsense is infantilizing the discussion.