I always tip in cash. Waiter came back once all bent outta shape whining until he saw the cash on the table. Now he can claim it on his taxes for sure.
We carry a printout of a card I saw here, explaining that gifts are not taxable. Also remember that if the toys are short of getting them to minimum wage or whatever was agreed on, depending on the state, most of the time the employer has to true then up.
And use cash as much a possible.
I always tip in cash. Waiter came back once all bent outta shape whining until he saw the cash on the table. Now he can claim it on his taxes for sure.
We carry a printout of a card I saw here, explaining that gifts are not taxable. Also remember that if the toys are short of getting them to minimum wage or whatever was agreed on, depending on the state, most of the time the employer has to true then up.