Still. Put you faith in your own ability to handle firearms. It was the militias and the French that ultimately helped the Continental Army win the war. WE are the only way.
The militias didn't have to go against M1A2 Abrams tanks and F-35 fighter bombers. If the military is not on our side, it will be a short gorilla war. With infrared tech the only place to hide would be underground.
I keep saying the military is not on our side and keep getting downvoted. The US military/police is mostly commie trash.
But West Point candidates are appointed by US senators! How could you possibly think that those military leaders are anything besides knights in shining armor?
oops - well I did not expect that to be the meaning
I keep saying the military is not on our side and keep getting downvoted. The US military/police is mostly commie trash.
They are also trained to follow orders so it depends on who gives the orders.
Still. Put you faith in your own ability to handle firearms. It was the militias and the French that ultimately helped the Continental Army win the war. WE are the only way.
The colonial militias and the Continental Army had organization and leadership. We don't. And anyone who tries to create it is smeared as a "glowie."
The militias didn't have to go against M1A2 Abrams tanks and F-35 fighter bombers. If the military is not on our side, it will be a short gorilla war. With infrared tech the only place to hide would be underground.
Especially in places like Canada
But West Point candidates are appointed by US senators! How could you possibly think that those military leaders are anything besides knights in shining armor?
Notice: "10th Mountain Division."
Me neither!