To be fair... I've used that phrase several times in depositions, but mostly it was involving a case/ situation I knew little or nothing about.
That said, Fauci is both a material witness and a future suspect for coordinating much of what we all went through the past three years so his use of the phase is disingenuous at best. Bet there are thousands of emails and texts just waiting to be dropped later. Ass hats like him will go down for process crimes, unfortunately.
He learnt from the best! and anyway WHAT does it really matter! Right?
“Don’t lie, just deny!”
To be fair... I've used that phrase several times in depositions, but mostly it was involving a case/ situation I knew little or nothing about.
That said, Fauci is both a material witness and a future suspect for coordinating much of what we all went through the past three years so his use of the phase is disingenuous at best. Bet there are thousands of emails and texts just waiting to be dropped later. Ass hats like him will go down for process crimes, unfortunately.
You have to when the interrogation is designed to get you to recall some little detail incorrectly and charge you with perjury while under oath.
Reminds me of Wolf of Wallstreet, when they're all being interviewed by the FBI. Lol
He needs to go into the "i don't recall" box with the sand fleas and then everyone forget where they put him.
Well, Poppy Bush also didn't recall a bunch of things but I bet his memory kicked in as he was being informed that he was getting a traitor's funeral.