posted ago by weholdthesetruths ago by weholdthesetruths +43 / -1

It's really simple. There are male liberals and there are female liberals.

The female liberals are divided into ugly and pretty (to look at).

There's no saving the ugly female liberals. They have everything to be mad about and that will never change.

But pretty female liberals care too much about what people think about them. They don't think very hard on their own and they only pipe up and add their voice to the chorus when they think their opinion is popular and the coast is clear. When these women start to see the shift on social media--when they take to Twitter and the most popular views are conservative ones, they'll flip faster than they can say in that annoying Instagram voice "Hey guyyyyyyyyys."

Now for the male liberals (if they can be called that).

They fit into THREE categories:

  1. Gay

  2. Black

  3. Weak

Gay guys are actually very much like women. They like to echo whatever seems to be popular. You'll be blown away how quickly gay guys online start echoing conservative sentiment in the next few months. It's bound to happen. And when they do that, pretty girls will flock to the right even faster, because they fucking love their pet gay bois.

Black guys have already surprised me how many of them have wandered into the fold. These guys are often hyper-masculine, and it only takes one hyper-masculine black conservative to show them a few videos here, and a few other black people agreeing with that guy before they realize they've been playing for the girl's team. Expect an influx from that group soon as well.

Weak guys. These are the single mother-raised, weak incels who never played sports and never learned to lift, and are so desperate for pussy that they echo the sentiments of liberal hot girls in the vain hopes that they might appreciate it and let them out of the friend zone one of these days. Well...not that we need or want them...but they're coming too. As liberal hot girls cross the aisle, so will they. All it takes is one hot girl telling them they sound like a bitch for their political opinions and they'll fall back in line.

Guys. Elon freeing Twitter was HUGE. The snowball has been pushed. Stop complaining. Things are accelerating. Peru, Brazil, etc. are already arresting the Deep State commies in their countries. We aren't going to be far behind.

"When does a bird sing?"

When it's free.