I have been wondering for a long time, if/when SHTF, how do we connect with each other for an economy outside the system? What are your thoughts on this?
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We will use popcorn comms. Code words like "butter;" red and white striped clothing; calling each other Orville, or Redenbacher, and stuff like that to find each other. I plan to self identify as an ultra-MAGA commander who goes by the secret code name "Kernel Pop." We got this.
I love this. 😂
Corporal Punishment reporting for duty sir.
Kernel Pop was a good dude
It will happen naturally in communities. Back to face to face instead of sms. No one but the elite satanists have gold and monies at their disposal. It will become a barter system for those who don't take the digital ID. Unless by a miracle from God, we are saved by Nesara and the global currency reset BRICS.
I'll identify as an urban warlord. One must offer their canned goods to be part of the clan.
VHF radio channel 17
PANIC means what it means. Prepare for a period of hard times but the economy will be restored. I am thinking a few years of survival not decades
Silver coins, silver bars, silver pieces, gold coins.
Yes. But how about actually connecting with people for bartering? I suppose we would be restricted to smaller communities. How do we identify each other? Just things I’ve been pondering.
When SHTF, wave a flag,...smoke signals,...mirrors,...shout real loud,...cuz the power will be out. No phones, tv, radio, lights, refrigerators, cars trucks or planes, for at least 100 generations. Be the guy in the red ball cap sport'n a decoder ring.
Has anyone heard of Andrew Torba’s proposed parallel economy? I’ve not really looked into it but a family member mentioned it.
Do you know where the most power Lions and Tigers hangout in the Wild? Near the easiest food sources.
The watering holes, dust bowls and salt licks. Pass me another Springbok, this ones rancid.
We might have a Tiger or Lion with us today on GA.win.
Or ape? 😉
Wild cats don't have it as easy as house cats. They can fat out every day of the week and know they will be fed. These is little stress. They don't have to forage.