346 Someone connected the dots and judges just confirmed it: Balenciaga is Pizzagate (gab.com) 🤡 DEEP DIVE 🌎 posted 2 years ago by ThomasMaker 2 years ago by ThomasMaker +346 / -0 THEREALDARKJUDGE on Gab: 'Balenciaga Is Pizzagatehttps://lizcrokin.substac…' THEREALDARKJUDGE on Gab: 'Balenciaga Is Pizzagatehttps://lizcrokin.substack.com/p/balenciaga-is-pizzagate?r=17d7ph&utm_medium=ios' 68 comments share 68 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I agree to an extent... But It's not even about the band per se.. Just let the shirt speak for itself. There's enough evidence without it, and frankly it seems like it's someone pointing it out who has no idea it's even a band.
Makes it easy to laugh off.
They'd probably do the DiCaprio meme when they see some of the song names.
Then you have a great band like Demolition Hammer that barely gets any recognition.