177 Former CNN Fake News Producer John Griffin Pleads Guilty to Sex Charge With a 9-Year-Old (dailycaller.com) posted 2 years ago by ashlanddog 2 years ago by ashlanddog +177 / -0 Former CNN Producer Pleads Guilty To Child Sex Charge A former CNN producer pleaded guilty in federal court Monday of using interstate commerce to coerce a 9-year-old girl into engaging in sexual acts, AP reported. 26 comments share 26 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Wood chipper time...
...chipper goes bbbbbhhhhhhrrrrrrr.....
And while you are chipping wood, throw the mother in who was willing to have him have sex with her daughter. What an evil bitch!
This is exactly my first question....
All those Bible quotes are just empty words to you then?
Luke 17:2
King James Version
2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
...a wood chipper is as good as a millstone in my book.....
A NINE year old? nine…
...sick bastard....
Put him into General Population. Justice WILL be served.
BS .. there are millions of child molesters who serve prison time, now walking the streets
The molesters are put into "PC", protective custody, (also known as Punk City). As for them walking the streets, that's the fault of our Judicial system.
Why are they usually bald?
His sick compulsion is costing him dearly, losing both his freedom and wealth. Too bad we can't get the same justice for our treasonous politicians.
...when you see the politicos going down...
...that is when you know that things are getting serious....
...this nimrod is just peon level scapegoat nonsense...
9 year olds don't have sex. That was rape, Dailly Caller cucks
The crime is an expression of pure evil. It is profoundly so, but it's disturbing to see otherwise sane anons so greedily reaching for the machete.
Crazy person. Castration, then lock him away for good.
Vaccinate him! And his bloodline!!!
Holy shit guys and gals. We are the eye of the storm. Darnkess has to be incoming. 🤯
...things are getting interesting....
We start gaining daylight in 9days...
...the first day of winter is my favorite day of the year....
Using interstate commerce? ............ what?