This is a great video. I posted it a while back and got some push back but I find it to be very informative and interesting. Thank you for posting it again.
I'm never going to invest 105 minutes to watch a youtube video unless it's Jesus himself come back. The AntiChrist is Obama. There that took two seconds.
I've had money on obama being the guy for awhile now but after seeing this.......IDK, lots of boxes checked. Waiting for the deadly "headwound" that heals🤣 then we will know for sure
Let's see what do we know about the Antichrist, and does it fit Zuck?
-- Seeks world domination and devours the whole earth, crushing all other kingdoms.
-- Exceedingly violent, dreadful, and terrible, devouring and crushing and destroying its victims.
-- The beast hates the Great Prostitute who leads the world astray. He will strip her naked, devour her flesh, and burn her with fire. The whole country will be destroyed in one hour as her punishment, for her pharmakeia leads the whole world astray, and she makes all nations to drink the wine of the wrath of her porneia. The Beast will hate the whore and destroy her with fire. Before she is destroyed, she reigns over the whole earth. But after she is destroyed, the beast wears crowns on its horns and devours the whole earth.
-- The beast is terrifying. He "destroys fearfully" and inflicts terror. All witnesses of the whore's destruction are terrified by her torment, and stay far off out of fear of the smoke of her burning. The beast even hails "from a land of terror, from the ends of the heavens."
-- The beast tries to change the calendar and the laws.
-- The beast is a divided kingdom. The people there consist of two cultures which do not mix except "with the seed of men."
-- The beast will destroy "those who are mighty, the holy people" as punishment for their rebellion. ("Because of rebellion, the Lord's people were turned over to it...") It will be "the rebellion that causes desolation" and "the trampling underfoot of the Lord's people." The beast will achieve to scatter the power of the holy people.
-- The beast wages war against the saints, "those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus."
-- The beast shall be a great kingdom, different than the other kingdoms that came before it, and it will devour the whole earth, smash and crush other kingdoms, overthrow the cities, and make the whole earth into a wilderness.
-- The beast has "iron teeth and bronze claws" (the interpretation is clear once you read in Daniel about the iron and the bronze).
-- The beast demands worship and practices conversion-or-death evangelism through beheading. So it is a religious, as well as political system. "A time is coming when anyone who kills you will believe he is doing service to God."
Okay you tell me, does this sound like Mark Zuckerberg?
You can apply the above list of characteristics to ANY person (not just Zuck) and ask yourself the same question: "Does this guy sound like the Antichrist?"
Usually the culprit is European royalty, or the current leader of Russia/USA (Obama, anyone?). Both are wrong obviously if you study the above list.
If we're gonna be lunatic speculators, I say it's Obama. The bible says he's not a lover of women, and his "wife" is, well ya know, a man. Add to that, we're having all of this LQBTQ+ shit shoved down or throats, I'm thinking more non-binary and less cyborg. I'm just say'n.
This is a great video. I posted it a while back and got some push back but I find it to be very informative and interesting. Thank you for posting it again.
I'm not sure how someone could push back on the Moloch ceremony at the 2022 Commonwealth games...that was wild!
Very interesting video. Check out the Satanic ceremony at the 2022 Commonwealth Games at 1:17:00 in the video...
I'm never going to invest 105 minutes to watch a youtube video unless it's Jesus himself come back. The AntiChrist is Obama. There that took two seconds.
I've had money on obama being the guy for awhile now but after seeing this.......IDK, lots of boxes checked. Waiting for the deadly "headwound" that heals🤣 then we will know for sure
105 minutes? Thanks for the warning!
Let's see what do we know about the Antichrist, and does it fit Zuck?
-- Seeks world domination and devours the whole earth, crushing all other kingdoms.
-- Exceedingly violent, dreadful, and terrible, devouring and crushing and destroying its victims.
-- The beast hates the Great Prostitute who leads the world astray. He will strip her naked, devour her flesh, and burn her with fire. The whole country will be destroyed in one hour as her punishment, for her pharmakeia leads the whole world astray, and she makes all nations to drink the wine of the wrath of her porneia. The Beast will hate the whore and destroy her with fire. Before she is destroyed, she reigns over the whole earth. But after she is destroyed, the beast wears crowns on its horns and devours the whole earth.
-- The beast is terrifying. He "destroys fearfully" and inflicts terror. All witnesses of the whore's destruction are terrified by her torment, and stay far off out of fear of the smoke of her burning. The beast even hails "from a land of terror, from the ends of the heavens."
-- The beast tries to change the calendar and the laws.
-- The beast is a divided kingdom. The people there consist of two cultures which do not mix except "with the seed of men."
-- The beast will destroy "those who are mighty, the holy people" as punishment for their rebellion. ("Because of rebellion, the Lord's people were turned over to it...") It will be "the rebellion that causes desolation" and "the trampling underfoot of the Lord's people." The beast will achieve to scatter the power of the holy people.
-- The beast wages war against the saints, "those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus."
-- The beast shall be a great kingdom, different than the other kingdoms that came before it, and it will devour the whole earth, smash and crush other kingdoms, overthrow the cities, and make the whole earth into a wilderness.
-- The beast has "iron teeth and bronze claws" (the interpretation is clear once you read in Daniel about the iron and the bronze).
-- The beast demands worship and practices conversion-or-death evangelism through beheading. So it is a religious, as well as political system. "A time is coming when anyone who kills you will believe he is doing service to God."
Okay you tell me, does this sound like Mark Zuckerberg?
Spoiler alert, Zuck isn't the person of interest in this video...
You can apply the above list of characteristics to ANY person (not just Zuck) and ask yourself the same question: "Does this guy sound like the Antichrist?"
Usually the culprit is European royalty, or the current leader of Russia/USA (Obama, anyone?). Both are wrong obviously if you study the above list.
If we're gonna be lunatic speculators, I say it's Obama. The bible says he's not a lover of women, and his "wife" is, well ya know, a man. Add to that, we're having all of this LQBTQ+ shit shoved down or throats, I'm thinking more non-binary and less cyborg. I'm just say'n.
Merely presenting the video as interesting, the 'lunatic' is all yours...
why would you let anyone named (((cohen))) tell you how to interpret the bible? torpedoed the whole video within the first few seconds...
I wouldn't, but thought some interesting points were made...
Skip to 1:17:00, you'll enjoy that part.