Whoa. Is Flynn suggesting that Trump might announce a bid for Speaker of the House tomorrow?
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Not sure why I got downvoted. Just an honest question. Trump had stated that being Speaker wasn't the plan. Maybe IF this happens, that was a misdirection? I am personally not crazy about the idea, as it would come across as being a back door into the Presidency. He deserves the front door, and the fraudulent election to be corrected. Just my two cents.
Looks like i got downvoted too. I wonder who the angry little trolls are that run around downdooting everyone lately? Meh, I don't care
Yeah. It wasn't me. :o) I don't really care, it just makes me question, why?
I remember a time when our side was concerned Hillary would be speaker, and back door her way in. We all hated the idea. I just think Trump deserves better than that. It would be very divisive, even if justified. I want the fraud 100% exposed more than anything. I want truth, and justice.
I've cancelled the troll out with my upvotes, straight down the board.