Musk selling TSLA, look out below…
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People are starting to realize 25,000+ dollar replacement batteries or no resale value isn't the future...
Good financial decision. They are bad for the environment, are not supported by our electrical grid, have limited milage and can burn up like hell unleashed, (not a good idea to park in your garage.) IMHO.
And in our crooked system when you sell a product like that, you become a billionaire.
Burn it all down and start again.
Dumping federal funded money!?
What a risk!! 🫣
Haha, but in his case it was white hat funded money to take control of twitter and he might be being forced to tie up the loose ends.
This narrative is kind of funny though because it constantly pretends that the entire value is funded through the federal cash but this is simply not the case.
I read "federally funded" to mean funded via federal reserve + wall street shenanigans they use to prop up certain stocks. The actual federal subsidies are probably negligible compared to the total market cap
That'd be great, but people like to say statements like, "FUNDED WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS!"
Which yes.. is sort of true, but only up to a minute point that they then have paid back through taxes over time, and nowhere near the full value of the company.
Also, as an aside, some people seem to be taking this to mean that Elon is actually selling Tesla itself but he sold such small numbers relative to the total available stocks.
What's interesting is that he last did this to free up assets for the Twitter purchase I think, so the reasoning could be very interesting indeed.
This is a critical point. You can take very minute (compared to the whole holding) of any founder or big controlling stock holder to come up with any kind of interpretation.
Its literally like saying "Today the temperature was crazy high, so its global warming", or "Today it was freezing, so it must be global cooling".
As for the tax dollars, I think at this point, the amount of money printed by the central banks in the last two years so dwarf the actual taxes collected during that time, that the majority of the theft is via monetary inflation, rather than tax extraction.
For some reason, this makes me think of the scene in Casablanca: the young woman who begs Rick to help them get out of the country; she is desperate because her husband is trying to win the money at the roulette wheel to pay for the visas and losing badly. Rick walks up, whispers to him which numbers to bet (because the wheel is fixed), lets him win enough money for the visas and tells him to get the hell out. I wonder, who is Bogart in our little movie?
Small OT note: was looking at some of the comments in the Zero hedge article and someone mentioned the S&P low on 3/9/2009 of 666. (It closed at 676). I don't recall that, but given we are talking about market shenanigans, thought it was an interesting history.
The more I have researched it the past 10 years, the more I am convinced the Deep State puppets act out their master’s orders according to a Satanic Ritual Calendar.
It’s all ‘by the numbers’.
The Plebs were given the Gregorian Calendar so we can’t line it all up properly. The Kabballah, and the Cabal, use a Lunar Calendar. It’s hidden in plain sight, ever wonder why SEPTember isn’t the 7 th month, and OCTober the 8th???
Anyways. It’s off the rails so my guess every rat is looking to steal as much as they can at the end of this US Dollar hegemony.
By the way, my research has led me to the Jesuits within the Vatican who do most/ of not all of this evil planning/ sorcery/ Magik.
I know people won’t accept this but you have to look at the history and see where they outwardly started following the Bible in order to save their skin… where in reality they have continued to follow the Kabballah and ancient Jewish Mysticism in secret.
Like I have said many times, learn Gematria. Manly P. Hall was the first to let this slip out. As time has passed people have figured out many of their ciphers.
Again, you have to understand how Francis Bacon and his ‘guilds’ of Rosicrucians were the first to formalize written English via the King James Bible - like Hebrew, they encoded our language with Gematria. It is an atomic language.
Shakespeare is also heavily encoded as the folks wrote those plays.
My guess is they will burn down the Vatican Libraries when they lose this Spiritual War. No way the Goyim get enlightened.
Is this when he lights a joint on a live stream and watches the price drop even further, then buys back his shares at 1/4 the price he sold them for?
Expected that, all year there have been stories about their shortcomings. Obviously lithium batteries are not the answer. Now I expect a segue to hydrogen power.