Terms of service are printed in black and white. You break 'em, they ban you. Everyone else has to abide by them, when they sign up. Why were these A-holes allowed to break them without repercussion? Elon et al. must have found a wee bit of dirt.
For the last few years, Twatter 1.0 was banning people because they did not like them, not for breaking any rules. So I think it is fair that they are now chucking out the idiots.
Delicious. Eat it KO.
Stop the hammering! Kek
Couldn't happen too a nicer guy.
And all the time he thought he was throwing rocks.
Turns out it was a boomerang.
Oh yeah, couldn't stand this A-Hole Nazi !
he violated the rules.
Terms of service are printed in black and white. You break 'em, they ban you. Everyone else has to abide by them, when they sign up. Why were these A-holes allowed to break them without repercussion? Elon et al. must have found a wee bit of dirt.
For the last few years, Twatter 1.0 was banning people because they did not like them, not for breaking any rules. So I think it is fair that they are now chucking out the idiots.
Rob reiner will pick up the slack.
Hope he's next.
Awesome. He’s getting what he fucking deserves.