As long as you realize this is your personal view, and do not try and force the rest of us to accept that interpretation, then it is perfectly fine and well within the bounds of both this great country and God's law. A Christian fundamentalist would not allow anyone the choice to believe differently. That is the essence of the problem. Dissensus is a great things, and the reason why the human experience is so rewarding. It is the basis for growth of the spirit. Show us through your shining example why that is the correct belief, and allow others to follow you by choice.
Perhaps once you realise that telling Christians to leave you alone so that you are "free to choose" all while being ignorant of every subversive attack the enemy uses through society to pull you away thus leading you to think you are making a "free and informed choice", you may then appreciate the efforts Christians are doing purely give proper caution to the significant efforts underway to steal your soul from your very birth.
As long as you realize this is your personal view, and do not try and force the rest of us to accept that interpretation, then it is perfectly fine and well within the bounds of both this great country and God's law. A Christian fundamentalist would not allow anyone the choice to believe differently. That is the essence of the problem. Dissensus is a great things, and the reason why the human experience is so rewarding. It is the basis for growth of the spirit. Show us through your shining example why that is the correct belief, and allow others to follow you by choice.
Perhaps once you realise that telling Christians to leave you alone so that you are "free to choose" all while being ignorant of every subversive attack the enemy uses through society to pull you away thus leading you to think you are making a "free and informed choice", you may then appreciate the efforts Christians are doing purely give proper caution to the significant efforts underway to steal your soul from your very birth.