Elon White Hat Double Caught Wearing Skinmask
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Or, it's a necklace.
User name fits
That's clearly a necklace.
Could it be a bulletproof / stabproof undergarment?
Or he's just a bit tanned
Looks like a necklace, and the skin lower down looks like it is less tanned, as you would expect from someone who does not spend time sun-bathing. The old farmer's tan that white people are prone to, when they wear clothing in the sun.
Why do you suppose Elon was NOT at that event, hob-nobbing with Kushner and the Qatari elite?
Nobody is going to wear a mask and short sleeve shirt.
I love this place but some of you need to get a grip on reality lol.
Why are you posting this? Garbage
Elon White Hat Double Caught Wearing Skinmask
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In the following video clip at the FIFA World Cup Finals 2022 we can observe Elon Musk's white hat controlled double (also known as #QElon) clearly wearing a skinmask that connects his neck to his torso. It is believed that Elon Musk was executed for his involvement in crimes against humanity and child trafficking via Neuarlink, resulting in all his assets being seized by the white hat military alliance. If we look closer it appears this may even possibly be a CGI edited production as Elon does not appear exactly the same on the phone recording within the video as he appears in the stadium.
↙️↙️Read & Share The Full Articles↘️↘️
🔍💊"The Executed: Clones, Doubles, & Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites"
🔍💊"MK-Ultra Victim Exposes International Money Laundering System That Funds Terrorism & Trafficking"
💊 link-tube.com/OperationQ
What fedboi wrote that?