Sooo…..I tested positive twice….assuming got the “coof.”
I had ivermectin on hand (as well as the paste’ but looking to restock.
I went through push health…they were my go to, but the doc there ….even though I requested ivermectin….gave me Paxlovid…..yeh, no thanks.
So I know there is “India” is there a place in the US to get a ivermectin script?
Thanks in advance,
Just get the horse paste. That’s what I did. Got it off of Amazon. Of course, you can also find it at Tractor Supply.
They say ivermectin . com works. India works just fine. You don't think the meds you buy here are made here, do you?
I know of that place….but was looking for something with quicker response time…not doubting the meds.
Fun fact….in Mexico you can get antibiotics, otc….haven’t been back to see about ivermectin.
I believe people here have mentioned Mexico for ivermectin.
Check out very fast shipping. They'll have it out the door in a couple hours sometimes. ships from the US no prescription needed. Arrives in less than a week.
Horse paste at Valley Vet...duramectin is good...each notch=50#. Very good to deal with and good prices.
Thanks fren, I need a doc that will prescribe it.
Depending on where you live, you might want to try a private Dr. We have them here in Florida, they are great. We had no problem getting for my wife who won't do the paste, but it's $$$.
I'm not fancy, I still do the paste w yogurt w honey.
Set up an appt. We did, and got it all for prophylactic use in the mdst of the panddemic. Useful for regular colds and flu and other medical issues.
They also list treatment kits you can order which incl Ivermectin and HCQ.
Valley Vet has the Best Buy on horse paste. But it online. They have good sales and coupons if you become a regular customer
just get the fuckin paste the weight/dose ratios are the same for people as horses, think of yourself as a 200lb horse
I’ve got two tubes as a backup….btw I asked for a prescription…..but thanks anyway.
apologies for coming off rather aggressive there, didn't mean for it to sound that way lol
Umm… do you think your ancestors were asking their friends where they can get some pharmaceuticals when they had respiratory symptoms? Just rest and you’ll be fine.
Lol yes they probably did… except it was herbs and natural remedy
Herbs and natural remedies are not pharmaceuticals. So... I'm not sure why you said that.
I can't ask my ancestors what they
And this is a specific pharmaceutical...isn't it?
It is, but be careful as to the purity of the product based overseas. Go with what was found here to work.
It cures far far more than just the flu colds resp. diseases. It's pure gold pharmaceutically.
What does it mean... to ask if something is a "specific" pharmaceutical? Yes - all pharmaceuticals are "specific" pharmaceuticals in one context or another. How does a pharmaceutical being a "specific" pharmaceutical change the way you think and act about it?
I don’t care…whatever.
Of course you're positive, you took the test. Don't test.
Well yeah, there’s that…. But I’m not taking ivermectin for a common cold.
Why not? It's safer than aspirin.
Because of the expense? Oh wait, “logic20xx” says just to rest up…smh.
I could see that being a reason.
I do agree that you should not be sticking the PCR tests anywhere near your body. Ethylene oxide and everything. Besides that it does not accurately test for anything. Besides that covid does not exist except on a computer screen. Not trying to insult you or anything but taking their test is playing right into their hands.
If you genuinely are sick, take care of yourself the old school way. Drink plenty of fluids. It will help your lungs expel any phlegm. If you have a fever, starve yourself. If you can stand it. There is a point between hunger and starvation where your immune system kicks into overdrive. And if you're interested, I make smoothies that help me get over any tiny colds. I put spinach, carrots, broccoli, and mixed Frozen vegetables. Well everything is frozen. Then I add turmeric, cinnamon, and vanilla extract for flavoring. The real kind. It helps tremendously. I am a heavy smoker and it is always clearing out my lungs for me. I never take any medicine and I am around children constantly because I have a daycare at home. They are always sick and so are their parents who are all injected. I have stayed relatively very healthy over the last 2 years.
Wishing you all the best & a speedy recovery!
We go to a local feed store. Of course we live in the country where there are a lot of horses. It’s $8 for a full supply for one person for a week. Maybe find a farming or ranch suburb near your town and go check it out. It needs to be 1.87% ivermectin with no additives
Look up telehealth doctors. I got Covid a year ago and did a telehealth visit and they called in a script to a local compounding pharmacy that happily filled it. I am in Florida however where they also no longer test for Covid.
All that being said, it did nothing for me. I was still sick for 3 weeks. Pretty certain I’ve had it several times since but was still able to function well, just felt a bit run down. Tuning up my immune system!
Horse paste. Just getting over the coof and it's helping
Sources posted previously:
REYNOLD MEDS The gentleman's name is Reynold Brooke. I (and many other anons) order exclusively from him because he gives personal service (via email) and he loves America, Trump, and anons. If what you need isn't listed, email him directly. His prices are highly competetive, his English is excellent, and his customer service is unbeatable. NOTE: He does not engage in telephone or email sales spamming. (That's happened to a number of us when we've ordered from other places on this list.) He's absolutely solid / based. (I've probably ordered around $2 to $3K worth of meds from him and have received all without a problem. (Takes about 21 days.)
BuyIVERMECTIN24 This place used to have the best prices, but ReynoldMeds (above) now seems to beat them. (The owner of ReynoldMeds used to work for this place.) They also sell HCQ, DOXY, and a wide range of other generic meds.
For anyone who needs ivermectin, visit
Create an account, scroll to find a provider and select ivermectin. Request it for prevention or treatment of covid. Enter 3mg for dosage and 90 for pill count.
It is cheaper than Frontline and super fast
Thank you
Only from MD's. The US based states: We are partners with the manufacturer and their exclusive distributors globally! This is not USA made, and because we are partners with the manufacturer, we do not ask for prescriptions. All of our inventory has been customs cleared and declared.
**Our Ivermectin is manufactured in the highest rated GMP facilities in India, imported into the USA weekly, and is always fresh. Our Ivermectin is always customs declared, cleared and approved for import. We chose various top brands to partner with; Ivejuv, Iversun and Iverotaj, because they are all of the highest quality possible, and the most popular brands. All USA compounded Ivermectin unfortunately, is raw material sourced from China, avoid it. **This is fact, all FDA approved drugs, whether compounded, or finished product, are soley sourced from Chinese suppliers. We have the list of all US pharmaceutical suppliers that are FDA certified, and 100% of them are Chinese ONLY!
Many websites online posing as US based, are based out of China or India, and will ship from those countries. Most will not make it in past customs from overseas. If they do, it will take a month or more. Most companies selling online as well from overseas, are fake meds, or low quality Ivermectin. We have spent the time and research to bring in only the best.
You can try push health.
thats what i did, and the doc sent paxlovid, even thoI requested invermectin.