329 Ben Garrison: THE TIDE HAS TURNED (media.gab.com) - N C S W I C - posted 2 years ago by undine53 2 years ago by undine53 +332 / -3 78 comments share 78 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Nah ,they are so degenerate none of their body parts would be good for harvesting.
Or better yet put them in Gitmo and raffle off guard duty days for each. Use the $ for the infrastructure bill. None of that ugly, commie shit though.
LOL. Probably mushy with worms.
Oh no, I think they would kill them
The swamp dwellers disgust Xi and the CCP. Kind of like the liberals..baizuo. our snowflakes would be spit on and either killed or enslaved
Take their organs and sell them back to us. LOL
Talking about, did you guys hear that Ukraine's organ harvesting team has arrived at the battlefield, as they are taking huge losses?
Yeah. I heard. It's dark and bad.