💥🗳🌎 Recap of Kari Lake First Day of Trial – Judge Schedules Tomorrow’s Trial From 8:30 MST to 4:30 MST. 💥🗳🌎
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County employee Jarrett states that the county only uses 20” ballots. Period. Inspection of the ballots reveal that a 19” image was printed on a 20” paper ballot. Tabulator timing marks don’t align and ballot gets rejected. That ballot gets tossed in box 3 and taken to processing center where it is duplicated. The duplicates are run through tabulators and votes recorded. Upon inspection of the duplicated ballots, it was discovered that the original ballot and the duplication were not together as per state law. In most cases, the duplicated ballots were missing.
What is all this zoom business? Since when do people does not have to show up in court anymore. How much more comfortable would it be to testify from outside of the courtroom. I swear we’re living in a banana republic
On the bright side, Stephen Richer is already half way to Gitmo.
That gifts it 30 minutes earlier on the East coast. What a nice judge.
I watched a good bit of it. I think they actually got the lawyers off an extras bench at Universal.
Didn't get a chance to watch it, but I heard that some.of her witnesses didn't show?
yea...and a major witness who did show wasn't on "the list". Very disorganized and unprofessional IMO
Seems to be a common theme among Republicans contesting election results.
Do witnesses/the legal team get intimidated into fucking up, or do these announcements of forthcoming litigation allow the DS time to infiltrate these legal teams.
The lawyers raking in cash, biggest cause of America's problem.
Is tomorrow the last day?