Regardless of what some of you more liberal minded anons and lurkers think, if we are to truly have a GAW, there are some things that are gonna have to be considered intolerable.
The entire LGBT movement in all public life
Alcohol. Alcohol is a tool of the devil no matter how much they've fooled people into thinking it's good in "moderate" levels. All a lie.
Hook up culture.
Usury (Big one)
All forms of degeneracy
Men have to lead society and women have to go back into the part of support. We cannot have a society led by females it leads to destruction no matter what.
Morality begins when you remove all these poisons from society.
Most of this is fact and we need to start seeing out the loudmouths in our own party that say otherwise.
Tolerating faggotry and leftism is what got us here in the first place. If we don't call it what it is, the GAW will fail.
We absolutely cannot normalize the garbage I mentioned above when the time comes.
Tolerance is a weakness, not a strength.
Tolerating corruption led to the rest being pushed on us. You're focusing on symptoms instead of source and falling for manipulative anger messages. Being awake means seeing the sources, the signal instead of the noise.
~ Henry David Thoreau
Exactly!!! Thank you for being one of the few to spot this!!!!!
lmao you don't even know what "tolerating corruption" is. You're just repeating bullshit you think sounds good.
Go ahead, what is "tolerating corruption"?
I wrote very specific things on that list that are at the root cause of the degeneracy and destruction of society.
Usury being the number 1.
Go ahead, tell me what you know about the corruption you think led to the rest.
You mean the LOVE of money being the root of ALL evil
What is the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation.
The love of God covers the multitude of sin. Love does much more amd is the answer.