Interesting point fren! I know nothing about Quayle except what MSM told me. I always despised GHWB & have always known how evil he was since I heard a radio broadcast hours after John Lennon was assassinated where they did a quick biography search of Chapman, Lennon's assassin, to find out he was next door neighbors with GHWB in the 70's.. and then heard nothing about it since.
The fact that Bush was out quail hunting hours after he lost the re election tell me that maybe the swamp overlords didn't want Quayle in that position anymore for some reason. Maybe he is a secret white hat. IDK. Maybe even on the Q team, idk, Definitely something to ponder, IDK who is downvoting you. This is a group where everyone thinks for ourselves,
I doubt he has a connection to Q but the fact thst the cabal wanted him out tells me he cant be all bad
Is that the former NSA director that tipped Trump off about the wiretapping?
Interesting point fren! I know nothing about Quayle except what MSM told me. I always despised GHWB & have always known how evil he was since I heard a radio broadcast hours after John Lennon was assassinated where they did a quick biography search of Chapman, Lennon's assassin, to find out he was next door neighbors with GHWB in the 70's.. and then heard nothing about it since.
The fact that Bush was out quail hunting hours after he lost the re election tell me that maybe the swamp overlords didn't want Quayle in that position anymore for some reason. Maybe he is a secret white hat. IDK. Maybe even on the Q team, idk, Definitely something to ponder, IDK who is downvoting you. This is a group where everyone thinks for ourselves,