Besides, eating GMO and processed foods doesn't make you sick. This ingrained belief system must be shed by the masses. And the belief in deadly pesticide toxins is even more sinister. Both are lies with not even a modicum of proof to back them up.
"Whole Paychecks" sucks triple or quadruple out of their duped customers for the same perfectly healthy food you can get at any grocery store.
Restricted access may turn out to be another get woke/go broke stupid idea.
Dumb, I won't shop there
Agreed. I think it's a certainty!
Besides, eating GMO and processed foods doesn't make you sick. This ingrained belief system must be shed by the masses. And the belief in deadly pesticide toxins is even more sinister. Both are lies with not even a modicum of proof to back them up.
"Whole Paychecks" sucks triple or quadruple out of their duped customers for the same perfectly healthy food you can get at any grocery store.
Considering I haven't bought 1 item at Whole Foods since Amazon bought them out, probably.